الاثنين، 7 فبراير 2011

End of the war in October

End of the war in October
United States stepped in and the Member States in the UN Security Council of the United Nations was the adoption of resolution 338, which eliminated the cessation of all hostilities starting on October 22, 1973,
Egypt accepted the decision and implemented as of the evening the same day, but that Israeli forces violated the cease-fire, the UN Security Council adopted another resolution on October 23, required all parties to the ceasefire.
Egypt after accepting the cease-fire and Separation of Forces signed an agreement, indicating to some that the goal of the war, Sadat was to move the conflict, having been the great powers with its problems.
Syria did not comply with the cease-fire, and began a new war was launched under the name «the war of attrition» aim is to affirm the steadfastness of the Syrian front, after the Exodus from Egypt and the battle continued this war for 82 days.
At the end of the month of May 1974 the fighting stopped after an agreement was reached to separate the forces, which Israel evacuated the civilian Kenitra and parts of the territories occupied in 1967.
The role of Arabs in Egypt in the war victory
Algeria was one of the first countries that helped the Egyptians in the war of October 1973 has been involved Eighth Infantry Regiment mechanical.
The Algerian President, the late Houari Boumedienne had asked the Soviet Union to buy aircraft and weapons to be sent to the Egyptians after the arrival of information from the spy Algeria in Europe before the war that Israel intends to attack on Egypt and resumed his contacts with the Soviets, but the Soviets demanded large sums of money, what was the Algerian President to gave them a blank check and said to them, who do you want Write the amount,
Thus, the purchase of aircraft and the usual necessary and then sent to Egypt, and these are some statistics for their Algeria for the war which was the second country in terms of support for the war.
Three tank corps. Corps mechanized infantry. Field Artillery Regiment. Artillery Regiment of the airline counter. 7 battalions of reference.
The human population
2115 troops. 812 non-commissioned officer. 192 officer.
Customary land
96 tanks. 32 mechanism tracked. 12 field guns. 16 anti-aircraft cannon.
Normal air
A squadron of MiG-21. Serban aircraft MiG-17. A squadron of Sukhoi-7. Total aircraft about 50 aircraft.
Saudi Arabia's support
Armoured Regiment Banhard Secret mortar 2.4 Secret gun 106 - for 8 Secret signal Gun Squadron 106 - m - d - L 20 2 Framework Convention artillery 155-mm self-propelled Battery M - i 40 mm + secret leadership Parachute Regiment IV Private dam owners
Maintenance tank platoon
The banner of King Abdul Aziz mechanical (3 batches) Maintenance company Confidentiality of medical Field Artillery Regiment 105 mm Police unit wars There is support from Pippa, Iraq, Kuwait and Iran.

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