الاثنين، 7 فبراير 2011

VI of the war in October 1973

VI of the war in October 1973
VI of the war in October 1973 is the miracle of military on any military measure, that the auditor's real war, the sixth of October, Sadat and finds that all his men and others
Bore the burden of the war in conditions of severe poverty in terms of economic development of the country (Egypt), or from the military side of the Egyptian armed forces The conditions of Egypt in any way were not to allow a new war after the defeat of 1967 and the genocide that descended on the Egyptian army in that war,
That what he had done all of them regardless of the errors and signed by the unintended or political goals is a miracle, we must take a military show of bayonets in tribute to these men
October War
Yom Kippur War or October Liberation War is a war fought between Egypt and Syria on the one hand and Israel on the other in 1973.
The Israeli army has received a severe blow in this war where the line has been breached a key military in the Sinai Peninsula, a Bar-Lev line.
The overwhelming success of the Egyptian up to 20 km east of the canal, but U.S. aid to Israel and the events that reduced the gap after the victory of Egypt.
The late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's personal and work close with the leadership of the Egyptian army on the planning for the war which came to surprise the Israeli army.
Of the most important outcome of the war to recover full sovereignty over the Suez Canal, and the recovery of part of the territory in the Sinai Peninsula.
Other findings crash myth that the army of Israel is not invincible and that he used to say the military leaders in Israel, and the war paved the way for the Camp David agreement between Egypt and Israel, which was held after the war in September 1978 following the initiative Sadat's historic in November 1977 and his visit to Jerusalem. The war also led to the return of navigation in the Suez Canal in June 1975
Summary of events
The October War is one of the rounds of Arab-Israeli conflict, do not realize their value only lived day war of June 1967,
Israel continued to claim their ability to cope with any Arab attempt to liberate the occupied land, and contributed to the machine Western media in strengthening these allegations shed light on the strength of the fortifications the Israeli Bar Lev line and berm and tubes, napalm to transform the surface of the channel to the flame of fire burn the bodies of Egyptian soldiers.
The transit-Majid in the sixth day of October, at two pm the suggestion of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad after he fell out the Syrians and Egyptians on the date of the attack In while preferably Egyptians sunset be sunrise is the best for the Syrians so it was not expected to choose afternoon to launch the attack on the tenth of the month Ramadan,
Having been launched all the Egyptian air force planes at the same time to bomb their own targets within the territory of Sinai and in the depth of Israel.
And then go more than two thousand field guns to hand the Israeli fortifications on the eastern bank of the canal, and crossed the first wave of Egyptian soldiers and number of 8000 troops,
He died almost half of them and then rolled two waves crossing the second and the third for the number of Egyptian troops on the east bank by night to 60000 troops,
At a time when the Egyptian Corps of Engineers opens the gaps in the berm with water hoses, high pay, and fell in six hours that line myth that Israel is rumored that he was invincible except by using an atomic bomb.
Israel has failed to absorb the strike, the Egyptian-Syrian dual overpowered by Golda Meir in the eighth of October the famous appeal ... Save Israel ... For the first time, show pictures of prisoners in Israeli and international media to prove that the Arabs are able to make a victory.
October war or a war six hours
The war was part of the Arab-Israeli conflict, this conflict, which included many wars since 1948. Until the 1967 war,
Israel occupied the Golan Heights in Syria in the north and the West Bank of the Jordan River and the city of Jerusalem and the Egyptian Sinai peninsula in the south, and reached the east bank of the Suez Canal.
Israel has spent six years that followed the war of June to fortify their positions in the Golan and Sinai, and spent large sums of money to support a series of fortifications on the positions in the Suez Canal, to be known as the Bar Lev line.
After the death of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in September 1970, came to power of President Anwar Sadat, has led Israel's refusal to Rogers initiative in 1970 and to refrain from the implementation of Security Council resolution No. 242 to the resort Anwar Sadat to war to recover the ground lost by the Arabs in the 1967 war.
The plan was designed to rely on the intelligence of the Egyptian and Syrian intelligence in planning for the war and fool the Israeli security and intelligence services of America and Israel's surprise attack from both Egyptian and Syrian fronts.
Egypt and Syria, aimed to recover the land occupied by Israel by force, a unified attack suddenly, on Oct. 6, in which approved the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, Syrian forces attacked the fortifications of Israeli forces in the Golan Heights,
While Egyptian forces attacked Israel fortifications along the Suez Canal and in the depth of the Sinai Peninsula.
Egypt opened the 1973 war with an airstrike was formed from a whopping 222 combat aircraft crossed the Suez Canal line detection radar for Israeli army in a combined time of one o'clock in the afternoon at a height too low.
The targeted stations Alchocrp and disability in the mother or Khchib Marjm Alumblyz and airport and other airports and radar stations and air defense batteries
Individuals and communities, armored vehicles, tanks, artillery and strong points in the Bar Lev line and oil refineries and storage of ammunition.
It was a consecutive two-stroke, experts estimated the Russians about the success of the first 30% and losses by about 40%, and in view of the immense success of the strike and the first of about 95% and a loss of about 2.5% was canceled the second strike.
The pilots Egyptians blowing up their planes in the important and challenging objectives to ensure the destruction of them, for example, Mohammed Sobhi Sheikh Talal and Saadallah and Atef El Sadat's brother, the late President Anwar Sadat and others.
Egypt and Syria succeeded in achieving a victory for them, as the Bar Lev line was breached, "hippocampus" in only six hours from the beginning of the battle, the Egyptian forces inflicted heavy losses in the Israeli Air Force,
The Israeli forces prevented the use of napalm pipeline plan amazing as the Israeli army destroyed the myth of the invincible,
In the Golan Heights and Sinai, and Israel was forced to abandon many of its objectives with Egypt and Syria, and has recovered the Suez Canal and part of the Sinai in Egypt, and the city of Kenitra in Syria.
Were it not for direct U.S. intervention in the battles on the Egyptian front air bridge to rescue the Israeli army from the fourth day of fighting, the Israeli army suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Egyptian army. Were selected date October 6, the date of the birth of President Hafez al-Assad.

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