الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

World War II

The purpose of Hitler's government to acquire vast new empire of "vital space" (life area) in Eastern Europe. The leaders of Germany to find that the achievement of German dominance in Europe requires a war.
After securing the neutrality of the Soviet Union (by the Charter of the German-Soviet non-aggression) to declare World War II by invading Poland on September 1939. The response of Britain and France declare war on Germany in the third of September. Within a month, Poland was defeated by both the German forces and Soviet troops divided between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
And ended the period of calm which followed the defeat of Poland in the ninth of April 1940, when German forces invaded Norway and Denmark. In the tenth of May 1940, Germany began its assault on western Europe by invading the Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg), which was on the fence and then France. Then France signed on the twenty-second of June 1940 cease-fire agreement with Germany, which led to the occupation of Germany, the northern half of the country and permitted the establishment of a collaborationist regime in the south of the country-based "Vichy". The encouragement of the Soviet Union occupied the Baltic states, Germany in June 1940 and formally annexed to the territory in August 1940. Then Italy joined the Axis Powers as one of the war in the tenth of June 1940. The Nazi forces launched an air war on Britain in the period from July 10 to 31 October, in October 1940 known as the Battle of Britain and lost by Nazi forces in the end.
After securing the Balkan region by the invasion of "Yugoslavia" and "Greece" on the sixth of April 1941, Nazi forces invaded the Soviet Union and its allies in the twenty-second of June 1941, in direct violation of the German-Soviet Pact. And occupied Germany as well as in June and July of 1941 the Baltic States. It then became the Soviet leader, "Joseph Stalin" a key leader of the leaders of allies in the war. During the summer and autumn of 1941, German troops advanced deep into the Soviet Union, but prevented the Red Army's stubborn resistance to the Germans on the major cities of each of the "Leningrad" and Moscow. Soviet troops launched the sixth of December, in December 1941 an important counter-attack on German forces that drove the Germans from the outskirts of Moscow final. On the seventh day following any of December 1941, Japan (one of the Axis powers) Port "bombed Pearl Harbor" in the "Hawaii." The United States immediately declared war on Japan. In atheist th December announced that both Germany and Italy, the war on the United States of America.
In May 1942 the British Royal Air Force launched a raid on the German city of "Cologne" and dropped thousands of bombs, the first time since the start of the war is fighting in Germany. The Allied air forces continued in the next three years to launch air strikes on a regular basis to the factories and industrial cities in the Reich, which on populated areas in Germany to rubble by the year 1945. In late 1942 and early 1943, the Allied forces achieved a series of important military victories in North Africa. The failure of the French forces in preventing the Allied occupation of Morocco and Algeria to push Germany to occupy the "Vichy" in France in the atheist th of November 1942, and the military units of the Axis in North Africa, which estimated the entire $ 150,000 battalion to surrender in May 1943.
On the eastern front during the summer of 1942 renewed Germany and its allies of the Axis offensive in the Soviet Union to take over the city, "Stalingrad", located on the river "Volga" as well as seizure of the town, "Boca" and the Caspian oil fields. At the end of the summer of 1942 limited the German forces on both fronts, and Soviet forces in November to launch a counter attack on German forces in the "Stalingrad" and the German Sixth Army surrendered to Soviet forces in the second of February 1943. German troops launch another attack on the "Kursk" in June 1943, the biggest tank battle in history, but Soviet forces succeeded in stopping the attack and take the military initiative that they would not surrender again.
In July 1943 the Allies landed on the island of Sicily and was able in September of landing on the beaches of the Italian peninsula. After the overthrow of the Supreme Council of the Italian Fascist Party, "Benito Mussolini," Italian military took power and negotiated a surrender to Anglo-American forces on the eighth of September German troops in Italy have seized control of the northern half of the peninsula, and continued resistance. Was liberated, "Mussolini," which had occurred in the grip of the military authorities of Italy, by the leaders of the German intelligence service (SS) in September and established (under German supervision) the establishment of the Fascist government in northern Italy. German troops continued to control the north of Italy until the surrender in the second of May 1945.
On D-Day the Sixth of June 1944 fell more than 150,000 soldiers from the Allied soldiers on French soil, which was liberated at the end of the month of August. And the first U.S. troops in atheist th of September 1944 crossed into Germany, a month after Soviet troops crossed the eastern border. In mid-December the Germans launched an unsuccessful counterattack in Belgium and northern France known as the "Battle of the Bulge." Air force attacked the allies of the Nazi factories, for example, that the factory was located in the Auschwitz camp (but not targeting the gas chambers).
Soviet forces began a campaign in the twelfth of January 1945 for the Liberation of western Poland and Hungary were forced to surrender. The Allied forces in mid-February by bombarding the city of "Dresden" bomb, killing 35,000 German civilians. American troops crossed the Rhine River on the seventh of March, in March 1945 and the Soviet forces launched a military campaign in the final sixteenth of April 1945, enabled the besieged city, "Berlin." When Soviet troops fought their way towards the Reich, Hitler committed suicide on the thirtieth of April 1945. In the seventh of May 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Allies at Reims in the ninth of May announced its surrender to Soviet forces in Berlin. In August the war ended in the Pacific Ocean after the United States dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 120,000 civilians. Japan formally surrendered on the second of September.
And World War II resulted in the killing of about 55 million people around the world. The largest and most destructive war in history.

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