الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

First World War

First World War or Great Ooaharb war that ended all wars is a war that has between 1914 and 1918. The use of chemical weapons in that war for the first time the world did not move a number of soldiers moved in as the Second World War. It was the bombing of civilians from the sky for the first time in history and was where the ethnic genocides.
War saw the victims of human history, not seen before and fell dynasties and dominant on Europe and the origin of which date back to the Crusades, was changed the political map of Europe. First World War is the seed of the movements and ideology Kalchioaip future conflicts as World War II, and even the Cold War.
War marked the beginning of the new world and the end of the European monarchies and aristocracies, and the Almwjaj of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, which in turn brought about a change in Chinese policy and Cuban also paved the way for the Cold War between the two giants, the Soviet Union and the United States. Brightness and luster due to Nazi Germany's defeat in the war and left a lot of things on hold until after the war. The war took a new form of technology in methods of intervention greatly in matters of war and the entry of elegance to her war-and a beautiful slice of civilians. After having fought wars Ptkabl competing armies on the battlefield away from the civilian, it was inhabited Mmantj yards of the battle for the fall of millions of victims.
Roots diplomacy
On June 28, 1914, was the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria, "Franz Ferdinand" by the Serbian "Gavrilo Princip" Mmaojaj curses the Austrian Serbs and sparked the First World War. It is not fair to blame the assassination without reference to the back and look to the political situation of the European continent at that time to identify the fertile ground to ignite the First World War and the assassination were not only the hair that broke the camel's back. In the eighteenth century, France was on the brink of revolution and popular unrest was in the draw, was the French society is composed of the king at the top of the pyramid, and the people in the quagmire, and the church and the nobility of rank less than the King a little, but a far cry from the bottom layer (layer people). And change the economic wheel French, the latest configuration change, a new social class called the bourgeoisie, which in turn demanded to be treated as the nobility, despite being middle class. And increased severity of taxes placed on the people with the exception of the nobility as a result of military adventures of the French king Louis, the French tried to reform the French economy and turned the broken economic reform to a popular revolt led to Napoleon as the leader of France. Napoleon did not ever-processing of the armies and harness Europe a hotbed for himself and France using the French national feelings Bdgdgp Mmaohdt called a new sense of patriotism and belonging to the homeland.
And national sentiment has grown across Europe multi Anasryatea The conflict began between the adherents of the gig (national) and between proponents of traditional systems of governance, which calls for families to ascend the ancient and noble governance. Add to the above roots in the alliance between England and France, according to the harmony friendly in 1904 and the hostility between them and between Germany due to the desire of Germany to establish an empire her refusal to put France Morocco under its control (First Moroccan Crisis) conference was held to end the crisis ended that Germany emerged zero hands and confirmed the necessity of facing the French Alliance Premier reason for what happened as it is noteworthy that Austria after the killing of the Crown Prince was sent to Germany asking for their support and agreed to Germany in retaliation from the Russians appeared to defuse the war in the ignition.
Grown as a result of geographical doubled the Balkan war, and concern of Russia's support for Serbia to take over the Slavic lands of Austria. And arrived in Austria to the conviction of the attack on Serbia blow preventive to avoid the evil of the Serbs, as considered by Austrians to strike lightning Serbia solution to the internal problems of the Austro-Hungarian of the existence of two governments fear the Austrian and territorial integrity of neighboring Serbia, especially the latter expanded its turf (Austrian and Hungarian) under the monarchy of Austria. Austrians was responsible for the foreign policy of the empire, which calls for the reinforcement of the empire but the Hungarians opposed the expenditure required for the arms. And German support, the Austrian government sent a message with 10 points for the Serbian government as a threat by the Serbs and the conditions with the exception of one condition.
In 1909, Russia pledged to defend Serbian sovereignty versus silence on the Russian occupation of Bosnia. Russia moved troops arose as a result of pressure from Russian generals to defend the Serbs. Germany has demanded from Russia not to move troops and retreat of Russian troops on the state of readiness, and what did not comply with the demands of Russia, German, Germany declared war on Russia August 1, 1914 and the announcement last walkover against France on 3 August. ...
Arms race
Increased arms race that broke out between Germany and Britain, with the launch of Britain in 1906 of the warship HMS Dreadnought ship, which eliminated all of the ships before McCann.
Paul Kennedy points out that both Britain and Germany were together supply the theory of Alfred Thayer, which says that the control of the sea is so vital and shipbuilding is part of a general movement towards war.
World War I (1914-1918)
First World War is the conflict that has ravaged the world, beginning in 1914 and the end of the year 1918, which resulted in competition between colonial powers Great, and has led the war to radical changes in the world, to an unstable equilibrium disturbed again on a large scale after 21 years when war broke out II.
The underlying causes behind the outbreak of the First World War many and complex, and can be summarized mainly as follows:
1 - colonial competition between European countries, particularly in the area of its ambition to make more colonies.
2 - the balance of power is not stable in Europe, and the control of Germany to Alsace-Lorraine following the Franco-Prussian War (1870), and the division of Europe into two main camps: the Triple Alliance consisting of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, and the tripartite alliance, consisting of France, Russia and Britain.
3 - the arms race between European powers, which is grown by small wars that broke out in Europe before the First World War as a war of the Balkans, and frictions in the colonies.
4 - the growth of the national spirit, especially in the empire of Austria-Hungary, consisting of several nationalities, and on the edges, especially in the Balkans.
The incident came the assassination of Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand of Austria in the 28 / 6 / mm 1914, at the hands of Serbian student in Sarajevo to undermine the European balance of flour. I have found an empire of Austria Hungary in the incident as a pretext to rely on German support, drew a warning to the Serbs claim the terms of humiliating and almost impossible. In spite of that the Serbs have accepted most of the Austro-Hungarian conditions, has announced that the war in the Empire 28/07/1914.
When Russia began to mobilize against Austria-Hungary, Germany declared war against Russia in the eighth. However, they also declared war on France on 3 / 8, and began invading through Belgium and Luxembourg, and soon, Britain declared war on Germany on 4 / 8, as Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia. Italy and stayed for a period of on the fence, in the willingness of them to not to be drawn to stand with one of the parties before it became obvious reality of the situation. As the United States was in isolation and overseas, but Turkey's Islamic Alosmanin, historically hostile to Russia, which has grown its ties to Germany, did not enter the war until 29/10, while the fleet bombarded the Russian port on the Black Sea.
The war continued for four consecutive years, without yielding conclusive results, until its final year when the balance tilts in favor of the Allies against the Axis powers.
During those years, offered several attempts at a truce or peace, until the beginning of the year 1918, when select the U.S. President Wilson, a program of 14 points for peace, within general principles, including freedom of navigation in the seas, and disarmament of restrictions on trade, arms reduction, and re-Alsace Lorraine to France and other territorial adjustments in Europe and the world, and in the meantime, the Germans were trying to resolve the war before the United States can influence the course.
However, the Allies were able that year to achieve a string of successes on the Western Front, where German forces suffered defeats led to the beginning of disintegration. In 6 / 10 1918 and encountered a German Chancellor Baden U.S. President Wilson held a truce on the basis of his program. However, Wilson refused the request. In 29/10, I began an uprising in Germany was led by Communists and leftists. Was the formation of a socialist government announced that turning the country into a republic in 9 / 11.
The next day the German Emperor fled to the Netherlands, and the armistice negotiations began in 7 / 11, was reached in 11/11 Convention, which the Germans promised to evacuate all occupied territory and Alsace Lorraine and the German regions west of the Rhine, in addition to the three areas east of the Rhine occupied Allies, the Allies and the delivery of 5000 cannon and 25,000 machine guns and all the combat ships, submarines and German.
The Austrians have signed a truce in the 3 / 11 after it suffered defeats large, as the British succeeded in access to Aleppo in 25/10, and Turkey was forced to sign a truce in 30/10 in Modros.
On 06/28/1919, the completion of the Treaty of Versailles which included the demilitarization of Germany of its colonies and Alsace-Lorraine and weight, and parts of the Cassadg and Silesia. Also imposed by the compensation amounted to $ 56 billion, and the imposition of the Non-proliferation.
The First World War led to radical changes in the world, disappeared four empires are the great Islamic empire and the Austro-German, Russian, and Russian. There were several new countries and entities of the updated place such as Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Emerged from the Islamic Empire large areas of Armenia, the country's Arab and Thrace and Izmir, in accordance with the Treaty on the "Sefer", the war also led to the victory of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the emergence of the first socialist country in the world.
And I came out, Britain and France after the great achievements of the war, and reinforced by colonial control of vast areas of the world. In contrast, Germany has suffered from political and economic crises of great importance, contributed to the boot before the rise of Nazism, did not continue to balance that resulted from the First World War for a long time after completion. It collapsed in 1939 with the outbreak of World War II.
Have been mobilized around 65 million soldiers in various armies involved in the war, and the number of dead soldiers who died during the battles of more than 8 million soldiers, also estimated the economic cost of the war about 281 887 million, as the currency of those days.

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