الأحد، 23 يناير 2011

Death of Granada

Emerged in the late era of uniform I'm Hood, who sought to rid the Andalusia of uniform, and the Christians also, and the rule of the rules of eastern Andalusia, and entered in obedience Jian, Cordoba and Maridah, Badajoz, and grabbed Granada safe Almohad 628 e, and the rule I'm Red other rules in the south.
And fought I'm hood with Ferdinand III of Castile battle ended with the fall Maridah and Badajoz in the hands of the Spanish Christians in 628 AH, and defeated again fell wild year 631 AH, then walked'm hood to fight the opponent and the opponent I'm red in the spaces of Granada found Christians the opportunity to march on the Cordoba, which fell their hands in 633 e was one of the most devastating shots.
Hood died and I'm 635 years old and his death collapsed state, fell to Valencia in the hands of the Christians in the year 636 AH, then Catabp and Dania, and Andot Murcia under the protection of the king of Castile year 641 AH.
With the collapse of the hood I'm quick to Joseph, son of Mohammed bin red to Granada and income at the end of Ramadan in the year 635 AH hauling his headquarters.
And the Christians saw that the son of Red became rivals after the first death I'm hood, was a small battle won by the year 636 I'm Red, wroth, Ferdinand III sent his son Alfonso seized the fort Orgeonp, and laid siege to Granada Ferdhm I'm 642 years old Red losses.
And touching I'm red than the Christians it Vhadden king of Castile and may be judged on his behalf, and lead him tribute annually in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand pieces of gold, and is assisted in his wars against his enemies by making a number of soldiers, and witness the meeting of the Council of Castile House of Representatives, and handed Jian Orgeonp and other hostages for the good obedience.
And took control of Spanish so the Eastern States and remained devour the Western States, and in 645 included Christian Talavera de la Reina and Silves, the Treasury and sprayed and free, and opened Qurmonp the help I'm red, and began the siege of Seville and the long siege of eight months and then surrendered the city to Christians, on 27 Ramadan 646 AH, and then hit other cities turn to this Fall Great, I'm all this with the help of the Red.
And began I'm the Red face Christians after seeing the danger swirling around him began to deviate from the obedience Vgzoa home in 660 e Ferdhm, and then stressed the attack, starting from the year 663 AH and began defeats coming in it was forced again to appease the Christians and the concession to them for more than one hundred subject of most of western Andalusia, and in in 668 e worsened the relationship between him and the Christians asked'm Red help from the state Meridinide rulers of Morocco maximum, and here died, I'm red and rule of his son Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Yusuf, who was a poet and jurist, named Mohammed al-Faqih, the rose prince Meridinide Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur Almareni I'm Abdul Haq to the rescue of Granada, and defeated the Christians in the battle on 25 March the year 674 AH, and consolidated the rule of the children of the red for nearly two hundred and fifty more years.
And went through long years the relationship was worse among the children of the Red and the king of Castile and once calm down the situation, "The worse the relationship and made the vow war shouted the children of the Red Bhlvaihm Bani Marine who Ijoson sea every time Igithoa fellow massacres of Christians, and even landed the state of Bani Marine and built on the ruins of the State of between the bowl and the weak were not strongly built and can not permissible Marine Sea to the rescue of Muslims there.
And unite the Spaniards in the Kingdom and one marriage of King Ferdinand of Aragon Biisabella, the heir of the throne of Castile, and settled the throne for them, and they were with a tendency crusade of hate, and the Granada mired in civil war between the Prince of Granada, Abu al-Hasan, known mostly in God and his brother Abu Abd Allah Muhammad, known Balzgl who asked Aoun Christians his brother Abu al-Hasan repeatedly, then the brothers agreed to a truce and reconciliation and to keep Abu Abdullah Pmalqp and Ohawwazha.
Abu al-Hasan and try to renew the truce with the kings of Castile, but only after the rejection of the new pay an annual tribute Abu Hassan request was rejected and the advance of the Castle Rock and the opening of the city of Randa.
The Abu Hassan had married Aisha, daughter of his uncle Sultan Abu Abdullah left which is known as Aisha free, and was a strong character with HH in the Spirit, with high values and ideals, and had a of Abu al-Hasan two sons, namely: Abu Abdullah Mohammed, Abu Hajjaj Yusuf, and Abu al-Hasan has left the jihad and the love life of tenderness and sank in love with Rome, a Christian woman named Soraya, and became the Abu al-Hasan an easy tool in the hands of his wife, Soraya, once subtle and ambitions, and want to be her son Yahya and crown prince, and his lead over his elder brother of Aisha, the free Abu Abdullah, was able to Soraya to convince my father to dismiss Hassan Aisha and her two children even persuaded him to arrest, and was in the tower Qmarc impregnable towers, red, stone and stressed to them, and Granada society split into two groups: group supported the Sultan and rich, and the group supported the legitimate Princess Aisha and her two children. Aisha did not give free Bmwdia I called and was able to escape from the Alhambra in 887 AH and appeared in the Valley of Ashe when supporters.
And decided to Ferdinand and Isabella to start war after seeing that the civil war have begun to bear fruit, and took a place called Hama, which will pave their occupation of Granada and Malaga together, was to them, was unable to Abu Hassan recovered, and the revolution broke out in Granada sympathy with Aisha and her two children fled Abu Hassan to Malaga when his brother Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa'd Balzgl known.
And sat Abu Abdullah Muhammad place his father on the throne of Granada in 887 AH, at the age of 25 years, and wanted to follow the example of the Mujahideen went in the forces defeated by the Christians in several battles, and when he returned burdened with booty pit Christians in apparent Castle Allsanp, losing the battle and the families of the impact, He returned without his army, and tried to re-Granada, Abu Hassan to the throne instead of his son prisoner, but destroyed by fatigue and disease lethality by Vtnazl throne to his brother Mohammed Abu Abdullah Zaghal governor of Malaga.
Offered or Junior Abdullah and his father, who was afraid of the tricks of Ferdinand and impure in the manipulation of his son to pay a large ransom of the Christians against the extradition to them refused to Ferdinand, and took advantage of Ferdinand's lack of experience of Abu Abdullah small and lack of firmness and the weakness of will and ambition to rule is not a non-Vatakzh great tool guided by how he wants, Voguena Ferdinand Abu Abdullah small to make peace with Castile good, so he sent Abu Abdullah the small to convince the Muslims of that, and the conduct of Ferdinand at the same moment clinch what could be taken out of the Kingdom of Granada, Vaanl Randa year 890 were threatened so Málaga from the West, and tried to occupy Fort McLean, in the vicinity of Granada, but Abu Abdullah Zaghal response.
In the meantime, the trial was treated by President Abu Abdullah Little and his party, where he called neighborhood Albyazen, support Islam Abu Abdullah Zaghal extinguished sedition fighting the Spaniards, and in the most critical positions called Ferdinand the release of Abu Abdullah little after that and signed a treaty was announced by the subjugation and obedience to the king of Castile for a period of two years, and to apply in all countries that obey to Abu Abdullah, young and taking broadcast Abu Abdullah small call in eastern Andalusia, the civil war in Granada since the beginning of the year 891 AH.
In these wars hit Alakectaliwn forts Islamic Balonfat any guns that the rocks from the fire shall perish all descended from him and burn, and when the revolution broke out in the neighborhood of Albyazen had provided a team of men and the rebels Alonfat and gunpowder.
In Shawwal 891 AH appeared Abu Abdullah in the small neighborhood Albyazen and those around him his supporters and standing Ferdinand men and munitions and supplies, increasing the temptation troublesome, and took advantage of Ferdinand strife deadly and occupied bleach Málaga Although unafraid people to defend it with the assistance Zaghal, returned Zaghal, including the direction of Granada to find them may subjected to Abu Abdullah small and has assumed her throne on 5 May 892 AH, reversing Zaghal to Wadi Ash, and thus divided into two parts of the Kingdom of Granada:
Rnatp and work and is governed by Abu Abdullah al-Saghir, and Wadi Ash and his work and is governed by his uncle Mohammed bin Saad al-Abdullah Abu Zaghal. This McCann sought by Ferdinand.
And left Ferdinand Abu Abdullah little under him and began Balonh East and South that are subject to his uncle Abu Abdullah Zaghal, and crawled to Malaga and surrounded by land and sea in Jumada II 892 AH and is afraid Zaghal may move to Inejadha from Wadi Ash to betray by his nephew, he turned to authority Egypt Ashraf Bey but Malaga fell in late 892 AH Shaaban Ferdinand and broken promises deceived the people of the city and Astrgahm all.
Then fell gaps shoulder and Almeria in 895, did not remain gaps and one up Granada, Morocco, and the evolution of the course of events Vandoy Zaghal under the banner of Christians have felt that fighting back is impossible, and entered the Christians and the Valley of Ashe in Safar 895 AH, and remained Zaghal governing Valley Ash under the protection of the king of Castile, and did not accept this disgraceful situation opinion on this matter the sea to Morocco and came down and then settled in Oran, Tlemcen sad over the loss of Andalusia.
And remained Granada, the last Islamic rules on the throne, and Abu Abdullah small waiting beating Judge. Then sent two angels Alcatholeikan - Ferdinand and Isabella - and a delegation request from Abu Abdullah small delivery Granada Vthart himself to this treachery, betrayal and realized the gravity of the error committed by the confederacy in this treacherous King refused delivery and decided to defend.
Ferdinand rage and indignation and wreaked Bassait in Granada and the ruined villages and loss, and bloody epics took place on the walls of Granada itself, and he traveled to Ferdinand on the impact of rebuilding the towers of castles and ships near Granada, in preparation for the coming battle. Doubt and the spirit of resistance in Granada, the people revolted and skins, and some Muslims conquered forts near Granada.
And walked Ferdinand Army ranged between 50-80 thousand, with the defender and the number of huge, ammunition and livelihoods, and Askar in the vicinity of Granada on 12 Jumada year 896 AH, and destroyed villages, fields and crops so as not to extend the Granada in any food, and laid siege to Granada, the only city remaining from the king of Taled.
The defense of Granada from Amjad what was known in the history of urban enclave, was not this defense is limited to assume the horrors of the siege for months, but it also extends to forms of wonderful bravery and valor, the Muslims took during the siege to fight the enemy besieged many times, attacking him and Itknnouna in positions and it spoil his plans and measures.
And decided to Arab horseman brave resistance and jihad to the last breath is Musa bin Abu Ghassan, and he said: to know the king of the Christians that the Arab had been born to the horse and the spear, then aspired to swords Vliksabha, and gives expensive, but I put my grave under the ruins of Granada where you die when defending, the most exquisite palaces Ngenmha surrendering to the enemies of religion.
And Moses took the leadership of the Muslim cavalry, supported by Ben-Naim, Mohamed Radwan Ben redundant, and took each Igri guard fences, took the leaders of the trachea and red protection of the forts.
Cut Granada around, exactly the same except through the skins South on the one hand Mount, Schiller I got them some foodstuffs and essential supplies, and solve the winter and I said, supplies and ammunition, and entered the minister in charge of Granada, Abu al-Qasim Abd al-Malik Council Abu Abdullah Little said: "The provisions remaining is not enough only to short-term , and despair may bear to the hearts of the soldiers and the public, and the futility of defense does not work.
But Musa bin Abu Ghassan has decided to defend as much as possible, he said of the Knights: we have nothing left but the land on which we stand, if we lost we have lost the name and home.
Ferdinand and crawled on the walls of the besieged city, the Muslims went out to meet him, and fighting was great, but the infantry did not stand a Muslim, Muslims Voosd gates of Granada, and declined to finding it behind the walls as much as fractious. The siege lasted seven months, and intensified hunger, deprivation and disease, and re-evaluate the situation in the lobby of the red public approved the extradition but Musa bin Abu Ghassan, who said firmly: I have not exhausted all our resources yet .. To fight the enemy until the last people, and it's better for me that counted among those who died in defense of Granada that counted among those who witnessed the delivery. These were the words they decided to address the desperate negotiation, delivery, and cost the job Minister Abu al-Qasim Abd al-Malik in the late 896 e.
And negotiated Minister Abu al-Qasim Fernando de Vafra and Jones Alfodi Krdova, they put the treaty approved by Abu Abdullah small and Ferdinand, on 21 Muharram 798 H, and the condition of Muslims will accept the Pope to abide by and fulfill the requirement if enabled Christians of red Granada and bastions, forts and swear by the tradition of Christians in the covenants.
In the second spring of the same year took the Christians to the red and entered after Astothagoa of the people of Granada, about five hundred of the objects subject to the fear of treachery, and the conditions were seven and sixty, including: securing small and large in the self and family, money, and keep people in their places, their role and Rballm and Akaarham, including the establishment of Islamic law as it was, not judged on one of them only Bhariathm, and keep the mosque as it was and endowments as well, and not to enter the Christian House Muslim, nor Igsaboa anyone, and not given to Muslims, Christian nor Jew, who takes them by their power before, and kills all of the families in Granada, from where they were, and that can not be defeated from the safest to refer to Christians and their religion and walk the Muslim countries Christians believe in himself and his money, does not preclude the muezzin, and no vaccine or fasting or any other matters of religion, and laughed them punished .. .
As Anas Ferdinand and Isabella doubt Muslims and skeptical of insincerity Christians in the royal family announced on 29 November, with department official in God that all Muslims will have absolute freedom to work on their land, or where they want, and to maintain the rituals of their religion and their mosques as they are, and allowing those willing them to emigrate to Morocco.
The Knight Andalusia Moses ibn Abi Ghassan He refused, and said to the leaders when they met to sign the decision on extradition: Let the wailing of women and children, we are men of our hearts were not created to send the tears, but dripping with blood, and I see the spirit of the people have faded even impossible for us to save Granada, and will embrace secure the dust bowl free from the shackles of their sons and light Asvh, while one of us does not win the grave of Lester his remains would not be executed, it covered the sky, and God forbid that the supervision of Granada said that they were afraid to die defending them.
There was a stillness of death in the lobby of the Alhambra, and despair lies in the faces, then shouted Abu Abdullah small: there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, for he wanted to spend God, Allah, I have wrote to me to be naughty, and that the king goes on my hands. And played Moses and shouted: Do not fool yourselves, do not think that Christians would meet Bahdhm, and incline to the magnanimity of their own, the death less as we fear, we've got plunder our towns and destroyed, and the desecration of mosques, and destruction of our homes, and indecent assault of our women and our daughters, and we have unfair obscene, and intolerance, brutal, and whips and shackles, and we have prisons and rationalization and incinerators, this is what will suffer from the misfortunes of death-Sharif, but I swear I will not see it.
Then he left Granada and broke through the lobby of the Black Abassa sad, reaching his home, wearing his weapon, and walked to his horse, breaking the streets of Granada, on the bank of River Schnell met Moses, a company of cavalry Christians of about fifteen, so they asked him to stand, and to know himself, so you must, but Leaping into the midst of them and pounced thickens including Taana, was bludgeoned fatal, even exterminated most of them, but because it was in the end wound dropped him from his horse, but he knelt down on his knees and drew his dagger and took labors for himself, when he saw that his strength was depleted did not want to fall captive in the hands of opponents bounced back to a final leap and fell in the river Schnell pushed him to the depths of its heavy weapons.
And on December 20 sent Abu Abdullah small and minister Yousuf bin pliers to Ferdinand with the hostage of the objects and the faces of people with some gifts and agreed with the King of Castile to surrender the city on the second of March the year 897 AH, and sent Ferdinand Bishop Mendoza to occupy the Alhambra Palace and pave the way submitted to the royal procession, and almost Ijoson Christians into the palace until they raised his sign over the top a large silver cross, and announced over the tower that Granada became the property of the Catholic kings, and Ferdinand and Isabella entered the Alhambra with the task of the monks singing.
Thus ended the last Islamic cities in Spain, and Abu Abdullah Little came out and his family to settle in the skins governor on behalf of Ferdinand and under his protection, and left the rooms of the palace and Obhaeh which retains Alzfrat in the chest, and walked up with the sad, and on the bank of River Schnell met with Ferdinand and presented him with Abu Abdul God the red keys, saying: "These keys are the last remnant of the State of the Arabs in Spanish, and has become a master, O king, our heritage and our home and Ochksna, and so decided by Allah, so be fair in your fingernail, Most Merciful.
Then walked with Ferdinand Isabella introduced where obedience and greetings, and went to the path of skins, and the people {but Albdhul or Baduel) oversaw the Granada Vojhish tears cried his mother Aisha Free: Yes, crying like women king could not be defended by the men.
Months after the death of Granada left Abu Abdullah small to Morocco with his family and his money and got the city of Melilla, and then settled in Fez, in the state built and bowl, after hastily occurrence of the tragedy of Granada to resort to complacency and lethargy and the civil war, leaving the defense and the enemy from behind and seeks to cause harm Mtothb watching opportunities.
The Christians have broke the covenants and prevented Muslims from learning Arabic in Andalusia, and forced the evacuation of the Arabs from them, and the burning of those who remained, and ordered Cardinal {Kamins) to collect everything possible collection of Arabic books and burned.
And forced Muslims to convert to Christianity, and when he resisted Christianization, and his father saw online revolutionaries in Morocco and Cairo, and began killing them, Vtharoa already in Granada and Albyazen and skins, Then they rent without mercy.
On July 20, 1501 issued kings Ferdinand and Isabella is summed up: It is what was chosen by God to cleanse the kingdom of Granada from the infidels, it prohibits the presence of Muslims .. Violators are punishable by death or confiscation of property. The masses of Muslims immigrated to Morocco survivor to their religion and Muslims left Islam and hid Show Tnzareth Inquisition began its brutal apocalyptic.

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