الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

Second Gulf War

Second Gulf War and also called the war to liberate Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm and was named by the Iraqi government in the name of mother of all battles, is the war that took place between Iraq and the international coalition of 30 countries led by the United States and legislation of the United Nations. The conflict began after the Iraqi army to invade Kuwait on August 2, 1990 and ended in February 1991. Consisted of the war of two main parts, namely the bombing campaign on targets inside Iraq and penetrated the ground to the coalition forces inside Iraqi territory, and extended the war on the geographic area included the territory of Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia was the launch of missiles, surface Scud Iraqi long-range targets inside Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Causes of conflict and its roots
Kuwait is a state governed by the Al-Sabah since the seventeenth century AD, and was inhabited by a group of tribes that were traded by sea with India and most of the population depend on trade with pearls. At the end of the nineteenth century Britain showed a keen interest in the North Persian Gulf, Vokdmt in 1899 to sign a treaty with the protection of Mubarak Al-Sabah Emir of Kuwait and Britain pledged under this Convention to protect the independence of the State of Kuwait. Kuwaitis often based on this Agreement of being an independent state for the authority of the Ottoman Empire and therefore Iraq. It is noteworthy that Britain intervened militarily at least three times to ensure the independence of Kuwait, the first time in 1920 when troops surrounded the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Faisal Duwaysh Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah in the Red Palace west of Kuwait after the battle of Jahra, after he agreed Sheikh Salem conditions Faisal Duwaysh down the Muslim Brotherhood to Sbihia and unscrewed the siege of the palace when he came back to Sheikh Salem to Kuwait City request from Britain protected from Duwaysh who was a camp in the Sbihia South Kuwait waiting for the implementation of the requirements for reconciliation sent Britain reservoirs warships to protect Kuwait City from any attack as well as several fighter planes and sent a formal warning to Doic of the consequences of the attack Kuwait on the second time in 1961 when he tried to Abdel Karim Qasim's invasion of Kuwait, Britain sent troops to protect Kuwait from any possible invasion, and the third time in 1991 after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Over the years, the Ottoman Empire did not interfere in the internal affairs of Kuwait, did not appoint or isolate the ruler or judge, did not exist on its territory troops Ottoman one, did not enlist their children to serve the Turkish army. Kuwait's troubles began with the neighboring countries, after reports confirmed the existence of huge oil reserves under the land of Kuwait.
In 1935 considered the King Ghazi bin Faisal bin Hussein, Kuwait part of Iraq, opened a private radio station in his royal palace Palace flower allotted broadcast campaign to annex Kuwait to Iraq and almost the Iraqi army sweeps of Kuwait and the death of King Ghazi in a car accident in 1939 when he was driving his car that crashed into one of the poles. In 1961 and after the declaration of independence of Kuwait, said the then Iraqi leader Abdul Karim Kassem on television and that "Kuwait is an integral part of Iraq." During the Iraq war - Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait supported the Iraq economically because of what he called some of the concerns of these countries the spread of the Islamic Revolution because of the presence of a Shi'ite minority in these two countries. Reached the volume of Kuwaiti aid to Iraq during the Iraq war - Iran to nearly $ 14 billion, Iraq was hoping to pay this debt by raising oil prices by reducing the rate of production of OPEC oil, but Kuwaiti member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised the proportion of its oil production rather than reduced which is what he really wanted to debt-ridden Iraq after the Iran-Iraq war. Some political analysts believe that the holding of Kuwait, this was as a pressure on the Iraqi government to resolve outstanding border problems for decades. Iraq began to bring charges of Kuwait that Kuwait has the work of exploration is not licensed for oil in the Iraqi side of the Rumaila oil and call it in Kuwait right Ratqa a common field between Kuwait and Iraq, and said then-President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi-Iranian war, which lasted 8 years was as a defense for the eastern gate of the Arab nation as he put it and that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, debt negotiation or cancel all the debts on Iraq.
One outcome of the war Aerakipaliiranip the destruction of Iraqi ports on the Persian Gulf, which paralyzed the Iraqi export of oil from these ports and the Iraqi leadership to take into account the future possibility of conflict with Iran, once again, but they require a larger area of the coast bordering the Persian Gulf was Kuwait's best chance To achieve this strategic superiority.
I tried the Iraqi leadership in addition to housing a national of this conflict arose up with the idea that Kuwait was part of Iraq has been cut off this section by Western imperialism, as its expression has also been the exploitation of synchronization of this conflict with the events Masmi uprising, a Palestinian first, where most of the rulers of Arab countries including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia good relations with the West, calling the Iraqi leadership as "agents of the West" and tried to raise the idea of the Iraqi leadership as the only Arab country which counters the United States of America and Israel.
Iraqi-American relations before the Second Gulf War
The relations, Iraq - U.S. Relations, where he was cool to Iraq has strong ties with the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Friendship with the Soviets on April 9, 1972. The reservations of the United States on Iraq because of Iraq's position on Israel and the Iraqi support for the Palestinian Abu Nidal group, which was known to open - the Revolutionary Council or the Abu Nidal Organization. And that was on the list of U.S. foreign terrorist groups.
After the outbreak of the Iraq war - Iran committed itself to the United States of America neutral stance in the beginning of the war but that this position changed in 1982 with Iran to achieve military victories and retrieval of all land incursion into the Iraqi army at the beginning of the Iraq war - Iran. Was the only obstacle to the resumption of diplomatic ties between Baghdad and Washington, Abu Nidal and his Fatah - Revolutionary Council or the Abu Nidal Organization and quickly left Almjmuapalarac to Syria and the United States sent U.S. envoy Donald Rumsfeld to Baghdad and began a new page of relations.
The United States fears the idea of "exporting the Islamic revolution", and was envoy to the White House, Donald Rumsfeld to meet with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein twice in the December 19, 1983 and March 24, 1984 It is worth mentioning that the March 24, 1984 date of the second meeting between Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein is the same Today was issued by the United Nations issued a statement deploring the use of Iraq's chemical weapons in the war has the United States to provide military intelligence and aerial maps of Iraq and at the same time, the arming of Iran indirectly by the arms deal known name scandal Iran - Contra affair has shown Reports of U.S. intelligence was declassified recently that the United States was in their interest to prolong the war and prevent Iran's progress on the military victory in the war.
The U.S. administration used the American branch of the largest Italian bank in the United States of America, which was headquartered in Atlanta, capital of the state of Georgia to transfer amounts of $ 5 billion to Iraq from 1985 to 1989. Contributed to the United States to build Iraq's arsenal of chemical weapons by supplying Iraq with materials "with a dual use," such as large samples of anthrax and Alclaustreda Alhustoblazma and all of which are very dangerous bacteria. The funds were available from the budget of the U.S. Department of Agriculture at a rate of $ 400 million per year starting in 1983, then increased to one billion dollars per year from 1988 to 1989 and was the last payment in 1990 was estimated at $ 500 million. Remained Iraqi relations - a good American to the day when the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait.
In July 1990, was the Iraqi army has begun are concentrated on the Iraq-Kuwait border in July 25, 1990 Saddam Hussein met with U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie in Baghdad, which said that her country would not intervene in the dispute Kuwaiti and Iraqi, who is likely that some of Saddam Hussein's considered a "green light". It is worth mentioning that the newspaper "The Washington Post" American published in the later news that the Foreign Minister of Kuwait had fainted at the Arab summit held in Saudi Arabia, which ended on August 1 without significant results when confronted by the representative of Iraq and the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister a document confidential alleged that Iraqi intelligence obtained, this document, which insisted that Kuwait and the CIA as a fraud and was read as meaning "that a meeting was held between the head of intelligence Kuwait Fahad Ahmad Al-Fahad, Chairman of the CIA William Webster in November 1989 and was trading in how to undermine the Iraqi economy to exert pressure on Iraq to resolve the outstanding border problems between the two countries. "
Invasion of Kuwait
In the early dawn of August 2, 1990 Alyalkwyt Iraqi army entered and penetrated the Iraqi armored vehicles and tanks in the rear of Kuwait and the control of key positions in various parts of Kuwait, including tiles Amiri. Sweep of the Kuwaiti army was easily and without resistance but remember that heavy fighting took place near the Palace of Emir of Kuwait, these skirmishes were capable of gaining enough time to Emir of Kuwait from resorting to Saudi Arabia.
The Iraqi army control of the Kuwaiti television and radio were arrested thousands of Kuwaiti civilians as well as large numbers of foreigners who were in Kuwait at the time who were using them as hostages later. Began looting and widespread looting by Iraqi forces included all the facilities of Kuwait from the most basic food on the shelves of markets to sophisticated medical devices and began an organized campaign to transfer what has it to the takeover of Iraq. Iraqi army committed numerous crimes against the Kuwaiti people as processes extrajudicial executions and the rape of women, and the executions were carried out in front of the victim's home and in the presence of his family and then forced the family to pay for the bullets to receive the body. The Kuwaitis have been subjected to various kinds of torture and abuse, and remind the system after the fall of Saddam Hussein was found on the graves of nearly 600 Kuwaiti prisoners were executed in Iraq. The Iraqi authorities and propaganda purposes set up a puppet government headed by Alaa Hussein Ali, from August 4, 1990 to August 8, 1990 for any period of four days and was Alaa Hussein Ali, a dual Iraqi and Kuwaiti where he grew up in Kuwait and graduated from Baghdad University and belonged to the Baath Party in the days of the study and became an officer in Kuwaiti Army. On August 8, 1990 was Iraq's annexation of Kuwait had not heard any news about Alaa Hussein Ali until 1998, when he realized that he left Iraq to Turkey under a false name and settled in Norway noted that the Kuwaiti courts sentenced him to death in 1993.
The Iraqi version of events and tried to Iraqi media outlets published is that the military coup happened in Kuwait, led by the Kuwaiti officer Alaa Hussein Ali, who seek the support of Iraq to overthrow the Emir of Kuwait, but this analysis was not addressed, acceptance of international public opinion.
The position of the Arab States of the war
Varied Arab League states its position on the war, Jordan officially announced his support for Iraq and considered the war aggression against the Arab nation as reflected in the statement of Jordan, and like I did the PLO to Palestinian and Yemen, Sudan and Libya, with a reservation of Algeria and Tunisia, and supported the war all of the Gulf states, Egypt, Syria, Morocco . Arab League Secretary-Chadli Klibi announced his resignation start hour up to the war on Iraq.
Diplomatic means
Hours after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait called on Kuwait and the United States to hold an emergency meeting of the Security Council resolution was passed by 660, which condemned the invasion and demanded Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait. August 3 Arab League held an emergency meeting and taken the same action On August 6 the Security Council passed a resolution imposing economic sanctions on Iraq. After the invasion of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia has started to express concerns about the likelihood of invasion of its territory and the probability played a major role in the acceleration of procedures and alliances to protect Saudi oil fields, which, if seized by Iraq would have consequences not incurred in the ability of the West. The size of the debt Arabia to Iraq during the first Gulf War than the volume of Kuwaiti debt, as was estimated at about $ 26 billion and increasing the size of those fears is the media campaign by Iraq of carrying out the Saudi Arabia where he described the king of Saudi Arabia as a "traitor of the Two Holy Mosques" and the Iraqi President to add the word of God more on the Iraqi flag in an attempt to give a religious character to the campaign and try to win the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi dissidents and the volume of this nature in religious propaganda campaign against Saudi Arabia when the foreign troops began pouring into Saudi Arabia.
Initially told U.S. President George HW Bush that the goal of the campaign is to prevent Iraqi forces from invading Saudi territory, and called the campaign named Operation Desert Shield and U.S. forces began to flow to Saudi Arabia on August 7, 1990 On the same day Iraq announced the annexation of Kuwait and considered "the ninth province century. " Volume degenerated into the military in Saudi Arabia to 500,000 troops.
In the midst of this degenerated into military issued a series of Security Council resolutions and the Arab League and was the most important decision No. 678 of the Security Council and issued on November 29, 1990, which gave the January 15, 1991 deadline for Iraq to withdraw its troops from Kuwait, but the coalition forces will "use all necessary means for the application of Security Council resolution No. 660.
The U.S. Secretary of State James Baker to collect 34 countries in the coalition against Iraq and was 74% of the total number of soldiers that were mobilized were U.S. soldiers and the total number of soldiers to the 660,000 coalition forces. The United States has a number of actions to win over public opinion in the American public to accept the idea of American intervention in the issue of Kuwait, where he emerged as voices of opposition to intervention in the street the U.S. and one of these actions was the creation of the citizens of Kuwait free, which was funded with Kuwait, where the information campaigns to gain the trust of the American public and global levels. Iraq began attempts to public information to link the invasion of Kuwait issues, "the Arab nation," announced Iraq that any withdrawal from Kuwait must be accompanied by a Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon and the Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights have received these proposals Iraqi ears of the King Hussein Bin Talal of Jordan and King Hassan II of Morocco, Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian Authority
Air campaign
In the early dawn of January 16, 1991, a day after the expiry of an ultimatum given by the Security Council for Iraq to withdraw his forces from Kuwait, launched a coalition aircraft air campaign, an intensive and wide-ranging, including all of Iraq from north to south at a rate of 1000 an air raid a day. On January 17, 1991, President Saddam Hussein issued a statement from the Iraqi radio network, announcing that "the mother of all battles has begun."
Used in this air campaign of the bombs so-called smart bombs, cluster bombs and cruise missiles. Iraq has responded to these air campaigns directed eight Scud missiles (surface) to targets inside Israel on January 18, 1991. In addition to the launch of Scud missiles on each of the cities of Dhahran and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and among the top targets hit by Iraqi missiles into Saudi territory hit a military zone in Dhahran led to killing 28 U.S. troops, prompting a retaliatory after the withdrawal of Iraqi forces and the bombing of the withdrawn forces in the process of called the Road of Death. In Riyadh, Iraqi missiles hit the building and the building of the Civil Status Najd National Schools, which was empty at the time. The first objective of the coalition forces is to destroy the Iraqi air defense forces to be able to do so after Bgaradtha easily have been achieved this goal quickly and easily where the plane was shot down and only one of the coalition aircraft in the early days of the air campaign. Most aircraft operating from Saudi territory and six aircraft carriers stationed in the Persian Gulf.
After the destruction of most of the Iraqi air defense forces have become focal points leading second goal of the air raids was extensive damage to contact points, making contact is almost non-existent between the military leadership and Iraqi army pieces. The Iraqi warplanes flights clouds brought down 38 aircraft MiG Iraq by air defenses of the Coalition forces, and realized Iraq that Tairadthaalsovitip made is not able to penetrate air defenses to coalition forces arose to send the remainder of its aircraft to Iran, and Iraq has begun in the January 23, 1991 the process of pouring a deliberate to approximately one million tons of crude oil to the waters of Persian Gulf.
After the destruction of air defenses and focal points of Iraq began raids targeting rules of the launch of Iraqi Scud missiles and research centers of Iraqi military and warships of Iraq and Iraqi military units stationed in Kuwait and the centers of power and call centers up and refining and distribution centers of oil and Iraqi ports, bridges, railways and stations of water purification has resulted in this targeting destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure to the consequences of its effects are still fixed on to this day.
Coalition forces tried during the air campaign and to avoid damage to civilians, but in February 13, 1991 destroyed the "intelligent missiles" Amiriya shelter, which were raised much debate that led to the deaths of more than 400 Iraqis, mostly women and children.
Iraq began targeting rules of coalition forces in Saudi Arabia as well as to target Israel, which was apparently an attempt by the Iraqi leadership to draw Israel into the conflict the hope that this will lead to a crack in the ranks of the coalition, especially among the Arab forces to join the coalition, but this attempt did not succeed because Israel did not respond did not join the coalition.
On January 29, 1991 managed to units of Iraqi forces from control of the city of Al Khafji Saudi Arabia, but the forces of the Saudi National Guard in addition to the power of country were able to control the city, and finds military analysts that if the Iraqi force in control of the Khafji larger for This led to a significant change in the balance War as the city of Khafji with a strategic importance as a conduit for the oil fields of eastern Saudi Khafji was not protected with great force which was seized upon by the military leadership in Iraq. It is called this battle as the Battle of Khafji.
U.S. incursions on the ground
On February 22, 1991, Iraq agreed to a Soviet proposal to cease fire and withdraw from the occupied Kuwait during the period of 3 weeks to be overseeing the withdrawal by the Security Council. The United States has not agreed to this proposal, but "promised" it will not attack retreating Iraqi units and gave out only 24 hours to Iraqi forces complete withdrawal from Kuwait in full.
On February 24, 1991 began Coalition forces pushed into Kuwaiti territory and after 3 days have been re-control of Kuwait and the coalition forces convergence in the way by large numbers of Iraqi soldiers who were Mnharrin all Mathml of the word meanings and agencies have begun to news scenes of soldiers who have surrendered themselves to the Coalition forces and most of them barefoot, hungry, Mnharrin morally.

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