الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

The first Gulf War

First Gulf War, also called the Iran-Iraq war (called by the Iraqi government on behalf of Qaddissiya Saddam) was a war between the armed forces of the State of Iraq, Iran, lasted from September 1980 to August 1988. Considered this war of the longest conventional war in the twentieth century and led to the deaths of nearly a million casualties and financial losses estimated at 1.19 trillion U.S. dollars, have changed war political equations for the Middle East and whose outcomes had the greatest impact on the factors that led to the second Gulf War or the so-called Desert storm in 1991.
The root of differences Iraq - Iran
The origins of the differences Iraqi - Iranian centuries of time where there was constantly in disputes and disagreements about the hegemony over the region between the successive kingdoms in Mesopotamia (Iraq) and the Persian Empire. Before the dominance of the Ottoman Empire in Iraq, Iraq was part of the Persian Empire, and before that vast areas of Iran under the control of the Babylonians and Assyrians, but the situation has changed in the reign of Murad IV, where I take the opportunity to double the Safavids were able to include Iraq to Ottoman rule, but differences on the demarcation of the border remained the problem of stuck. Between 1555 and 1975 have been signed at least 18 agreements to demarcate the border between Iraq and Iran. One of the roots of the dispute back to the question of sovereignty over the marsh area inhabited by Iranian Arabs in the southwest province of Iran Arabistan / spaces, an area rich in oil. In 1959, after one year of the coming of the leader Abdel Karim Qassim to power in Iraq has supported the movements for independence in the marsh and Older Abdul Karim Qassim to raise the issue of the Arab League, but success did not unlucky Abdul Karim Qassem, who was killed in a coup led by the Baath party in 1963.
In 1969, after the coming of the Baath Party to power in Iraq's deputy prime minister in Iraq that Arabistan spaces is part of Iraq, Iraqi state radio also began publishing data urges the Arab people of Ahwaz for revolution against the Shah's regime in Iran. In 1971, Iraq cut off its diplomatic relations with Iran as a result of disagreements over the sovereignty of the United Arab Emirates over three islands of Abu Musa and Greater and Lesser after the withdrawal of British troops from them.
One of the main causes of the differences between Iraq and Iran was a dispute over full sovereignty over the Shatt al-Arab where she was under full Iraqi sovereignty before 1975, but the two countries Tkasemta sovereignty over the Shatt al-Arab after the Algiers agreement in 1975 and that the palm of the impact of the Shah in Iran for help Kurdish rebels in Iraq , in exchange for waiver of some rights for Iraq in the Shatt al Arab, Iraq and benefited from this agreement to stop the Iranian aid to the Kurdish rebel movement led by Mustafa Barzani and the Iraqi regime's success in the eradication of the Kurdish revolution.
When the advent of Saddam Hussein to power in Iraq in 1979 was the Iranian army army is weak after he was classified as the fourth army in the world because of restructuring and was leading former army to a campaign of arrests by Sadiq Khalkhali governor proceeded to Iran after the arrival of the Islamic Revolution came to power in Iran, along with of U.S. sanctions, making the Iranian army army is weak compared to arming the Iraqi army. When there were signs of "exporting the Islamic revolution" to the Middle East in the words of some nations have begun the region with the Shiite minority, such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to express concern about the spillover of the Islamic Revolution Shia to their areas, all of these factors in addition to other factors played a major role in igniting the sparks of the first fuse war.
The beginnings of the war
Diplomatic relations Iraqi - Iranian deteriorate in 1980 after border conflicts clouds. After Saddam Hussein in the September 17, 1980 to tear the Algiers Convention of 1975, which was signed when he was a vice-president of Iraq at the time with the Shah of Iran in 1975 and restored Iraq's Shatt al-Arab, who stood down with him to Iran Under that agreement, and fully considered the Shatt al-Arab part of Iraq's territorial waters. Compounding the situation is complicated by the attempt to assassinate the then Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz by members of the Iraqi Islamic Dawa Party, which was in favor of the Islamic regime in Iran. Claimed that the regime of President Saddam Hussein that the Iranian forces began military operations by bombing of the stations, border region Mundhiriyah and the border between the province of Wasit and Diyala province, also claimed to provide the Iranian forces toward the Iraqi areas in the regions of Saif Saad, Zain arc has sent the Iraqi Foreign Ministry messages to the UN about what it says border violations of the Iraqi government responded by sending an air raid, Iraqi fighters in the Iranian target Iranian military airports in a number of major Iranian cities.
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that Iraq's demands of war with Iran are: the recognition of Iraqi sovereignty on the national territory of Iraq and its waters, river and sea, and end the Iranian occupation of the islands of Greater and Lesser and Abu Musa in the Gulf at the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz, and keeping Iran from interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq.
The Iraqi army made an incursion into Iranian territory without a little resistance at the beginning of the command. But soon began to Iranian forces leprosy ranks and volunteered about 100,000 Iranians to go to the battlefront weeks after the incursion of the Iraqi and the Iraqi army began to realize that the Iranian army is not a weakness, which was expected. And by 1982 the Army managed to Iran to re-control of all areas that were under the control of the Iraqi army, prompting the Iraqi government to display the initiative for a cease-fire in 1982 but this initiative has not met with deaf ears to the Iranian government, which was apparently designed to overthrow the government President Saddam Hussein.
Tanker war
In 1981 began the so-called tanker war, and was a target mutual carriers and tankers and merchant marine of the two countries in order to cut off supplies to the economic and military aid to the warring armies. It has not been limited to target vessels of the two warring factions, but extended to include countries that support in May 13, 1984 attacked a ship near the Bahrain and Kuwait May 16, 1984 a ship was attacked by Saudi Arabia Iranian warships in the Kuwait and Saudi Arabia from countries supporting Iraq. Were destroyed total of 546 merchant ship during the war of the tankers and ships the majority of Kuwaiti prompting the Kuwaiti government to request international assistance to protect their ships in 1987, arose the United States to raise the flag on Kuwaiti ships to protect them. But this action did not prevent the Iranians from attacking ships prompting the U.S. fleet to attack Iranian ships, and of the most famous of these attacks, the attack, which occurred in April 18, 1988, destroyed the Iranian planes were warships.
U.S. forces have conducted an attack in July 3, 1988 led to the destruction of an aircraft passenger civilians, U.S. forces said later that he had signed by mistake by U.S. warplanes, which led to the deaths of 290 passengers were on board the plane.
In the midst of all these events was to uncover the scandal of Iran - Contra scandal within the ranks of management then U.S. President Ronald Reagan have been detected from the fact that the U.S. was in addition to support for Iraq, they at the same time was selling weapons to Iran and used money from the deal to support the rebels in Nicaragua.
War of the Cities
With the approaching end of the war began inactivity appears on the performance of the Iraqi army and Iran, as a result of depletion of long-ammunition military and manpower for the two armies, started a black stage in the history of war, the shelling of cities at random by Scud missiles or land - the land of the long-term where killing many innocent civilians.
And Iraqi forces began air strikes, a strategy for the cities of Iran, and targeted strikes against Tehran, essentially with the beginning of 1985, arose Iran bombed the capital Baghdad, long-range Scud missiles. Iraq responded similarly bombed Tehran. And reached the level of targeting Iraq's civil aircraft and train stations and the destruction of forty-three school in 1986 only led to the deaths of hundreds of pupils and similarly Iran Khadtp "the school of Tours," staged claimed the lives of many Iraqi children, and the two countries the use of chemical weapons in the war and Iraq's more to that came to condemn the UN for the use of chemical weapons in 1983, did not enjoy the Iranian government with international support to reverse Iraq, which had the attribution of a broad-based, all these factors combined led to Iran's agreement to a truce proposed by the United Nations, described Khomeini's "poisoned chalice" as he put it in August 8, 1988, Iran was rejects any resolution from the Security Council unless it recognizes that Iraq is the initiator of assault and adoption of the necessary compensation to Iran, which may reach $ 200 billion.
However, three years after the war ended in 1991, one month after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and Iraq agreed to be bound by the Convention in 1975 and signed with Iran. Countries and returned to the zero point
Weapons and countries that supplied arms
The Iraqi army is arming mainly from the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc countries in the decades that preceded the Iraq war - Iran. During the war, Iraq has purchased weapons estimated worth billions from the Soviet Union, China, Egypt, Germany, and by Germany, France, Spain and the United Kingdom and the United States of America to build Iraq's arsenal of weapons of all, France has provided Iraq with nuclear technology; where the French company building a nuclear reactor Osirak nuclear program, which launched Iraq by the label's nuclear reactor which was destroyed by Israeli aircraft in June 7, 1981. Most of the financial support of Iraq comes from two Alnaftytin-rich Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The ratio of sales of weapons Iraq since 1970 to 1990 to approximately 10% of arms deals in the world and the percentages were as follows:
Soviet Union * 61% to $ 19.2 billion U.S. dollars. France * 18% $ 5.5 billion U.S. dollars. * China 5% $ 1.7 billion U.S. dollars. * Brazil 4% to $ 1.1 billion U.S. dollars. * Egypt 4% to $ 1.1 billion U.S. dollars * Other countries 6% to $ 2.9 billion U.S. dollars.
For the Iranian army was not at the time of arming the Shah before the coming of the Islamic revolution by the United States of America, during the war, Syria, Libya, North Korea and China to supply Iran with weapons. The United States Alomrikipo Israel indirectly and discreetly to provide arms to Iran. But has been detected for one of these deals, which dubbed the Iran - Contra affair.
During the war been used Iranian Air Force aircraft, an American-made what was in their possession since the days of the Shah, for example, jets, F4, F5, AH-1 Cobra, F14, but with the continuation of the war is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain spare parts for these aircraft because of the international isolation of Iran as well as because of air raids on the Iraqi military airports, which led to the loss of most of Iran's fighter planes, which cleared the air of the Iraqi Air alone.
The Iraqi air forces used Soviet-made aircraft, such as:
MiG-21 MiG-23 MiG-25 fighter jets intercept an air high-speed with a great ability to maneuver Sukhoi-22 Sukhoi-24, which was for Iraq, including several swarms air worries about Israel strongly time and that the capacity of each aircraft carrying 8 tons of bombs at one time Tu -16 long-range bombers and French aircraft such as Mirage and was loaned to France only for Iraq and refused to sell him.
The role of the United States of America
After the Islamic revolution in Iran began relations with Iran - U.S. to deteriorate and the U.S. Administration began thinking that dealing with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is the "lesser of two evils" according to the State Department, for fear of the idea of "exporting the Islamic revolution" by the West to provide Iraq with materials with a "dual use" for example, computers and sophisticated armored ambulances and chemical fertilizer.
Used the U.S. administration the American branch of the largest Italian bank in the United States of America, which was based in Atlanta, Georgia to convert the amounts of $ 5 billion to Iraq from 1985 to 1989, the envoy of the White House, Donald Rumsfeld to meet with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein twice in the December 19, 1983 and March 24, 1984. It is worth mentioning that the March 24, 1984 date of the second meeting between Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein is the same day was issued by the United Nations issued a statement deploring the use of Iraq's chemical weapons in the war has the United States to provide military intelligence and aerial maps of Iraq and at the same time, the arming Iran indirectly by the arms deal scandal known name Iran - Contra affair has shown the reports of U.S. intelligence was declassified recently and the details can be found in * [1] that the U.S. was in their interest to prolong the war and to prevent Iran's progress Nasr military in the war. In September 1989 after the end of the war revealed the Financial Times for information that the White House was behind the financial support for Iraq's acquisition of chemical weapons and nuclear technology. In December 2002, when supplied Iraq with weapons inspections to the Commission with detailed information on programs of weapons of mass destruction, an attempt to avoid US-led invasion appeared the names of American companies, for example, a company of Maryland and Tinsse company and two companies were specialized chemical substances.
Weapons of mass destruction
And reached the number of victims of Iran from using Iraq to about 100,000 chemical weapons during the eight years of war, with estimated statistics that 20,000 troops were killed as a result of Iranian use of nerve gas to Iraq, and 5000 Iranian soldier were wounded chronic diseases by the use of mustard gas. There is a general feeling of resentment among Iranians to this day support of Western countries to Iraq in the development of its biological, chemical and is bombing the city of Halabja with chemical weapons of the most prominent examples of the use of chemical weapons in the war, it is worth mentioning that the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein by denying any connection to events Halabja during the meetings investigative initial trial of Saddam Hussein. have been raised allegations by the regime of Saddam Hussein that Iran is responsible for the bombing of Halabja with chemical weapons, which led the strikes chemical to the deaths of more than five thousand people a civilian and wounding at least twenty-five thousand other sons of the city of Halabja, on the other hand according to a report from Halabja, told U.S. military intelligence, excerpted parts of it magazine Alvelij Voice Village Voice of America, known in its edition published on May 1, May 2002, as follows: "Most of the victims in Halabja, causing their deaths solution of cyanogen chloride also reached , but this is not the chemical agent used by Iraq's once, but that Iran is interested in it. The mustard gas casualties in the town, it is likely they spent the Iraqi weapons, because Iran did not notice that they never used. "
Was also used chemical weapons by Iraq in the Anfal operations, a campaign of genocide and displacement of Kurdish villages continued for a period of several months, led to the occurrence of victims among the dead and wounded and missing, estimated at more than one hundred thousand, was the destruction of many Kurdish villages in northern Iraq on impact.
The use of human waves in the battles
As a result of non-possession of the Iranian military to effective technology to penetrate the minefields that have been planted by the Iraqi army and the effectiveness of the clergy in Iran in fueling nationalist sentiment and religious Iranians have volunteered to large numbers of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (Basdar) and militia volunteers launched their label (Basij) and has been their use human waves to penetrate the defensive lines of the Iraqi minefields, and there were allegations that children as young as 9 years have participated in these human waves.
End of the war
After the extensive damage sustained by Iraq and Iran as a result of eight years of war and Iran agreed to a truce proposed by the United Nations, described Khomeini's "poisoned chalice" as he put it in the August 8, 1988 .. Was estimated losses of Iran about 150 billion dollars and the losses of Iraq 100 billion in addition to Iraq's debt, which amounted to high rates estimated at 80 billion dollars, including $ 14 billion awarded by the State of Kuwait to Iraq, which was a cause of Gulf War II, not to mention the victims of the enormous human from the two parties, surpassed one million people. Was the destruction of most infrastructure to extract oil in both countries as a result of aerial bombardment mutual.
Most of the border disputes at the end of the war remained unchanged until 1991. After one month of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and Iraq agreed to be bound by the Convention in 1975 and signed with Iran in 1975, Iraq admitted to the rights of Iran in the east side of the Shatt al-Arab. On December 9, 1991, three years after the end of the war the Security Council issued a statement it is stated that "an Iraqi attack on Iran in September 22, 1980 can not be justified under the laws of the United Nations," the statement which carry full responsibility for the Iraq war. It is worth mentioning that this statement was issued when international pressure on Iraq as a result of a large Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, where there was no such statement during the eight long years of war.

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