الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2011

Security concealed many facts in the case of killing of Suzan Tamim

Security concealed many facts in the case of killing of Suzan Tamim
Counsel said Ashraf Zahran judge Court of Appeal Ismailia The security services were involved in hiding many facts in the case of Hesham Talaat Mustafa, Suzan Tamim, also hid the fact many in the killing of protesters during the events of the revolution January 25 said Zahran, in comments to the "Cairo Station" on Tuesday evening that the beauty of Mubarak, Secretary of the policies the previous National Democratic Party is the one who ordered the withdrawal of the judicial inspection of the Judges Club, stressing that, Counselor Mahmoud Abu Leil and former justice minister was summoned by telephone by Dr. Zakaria Azmi, President of the Office of the President of the Republic to discuss this request House, Air Force, and the former president Mubarak was the worst judges, referring to Mubarak Use the former Minister Mamdouh Marei in the suppression of the judges.
The Zahran that the Board of Directors of the Judges Club Previous headed by Justice Zakaria Abdul Aziz was the worst periods for the system, stressing that the regime of President Mubarak was requiring judges to remain calm and not to escalate their demands, and said that prosecutors are the ones who gathered the evidence in the case of killing of demonstrators and Friday anger revealing that the devices Security did not help the prosecution to do its part in this incident.
Revealed Zahran that the Attorney General requested several actions of the security services and administrative control, but he was ignoring their request, Zahran said that the issues currently before the issues of revolution and not the issues of public opinion, which requires a time for decision and to issue final ruling on them and it is necessary to integrate the State Council and the issues State and administrative prosecution in the judicial one.
He Zahran said Chancellor Mamdouh Marei, and former Minister of Justice was in between a meeting of judges of former President Mubarak to the demands of judges to obtain their full independence, and stressed Zahran that the system use the judges to strike the Muslim Brotherhood candidate in the bar, pointing out that the choice of the Attorney General by President of the Republic makes him under obedience to the system.Zahran said that the former regime came former minister Mamdouh Marei, known for its xenophobia judges in retaliation for the Judges Club, stressing that he was forming a committee of complaints advisers with a view to controlling them.
Zahran and student adviser Adel Salam Gomaa step down from considering the issue of Habib Al-Adli, stressing that the issue of outsourcing adviser Adel Salam Gomaa offended the judges and so he can try and make a report to the President of the Supreme Judicial Council to investigate the incident.
On the issue of Hisham Talaat Zahran said that prosecutors receive the records of investigation and inquiry and verify it receives only stressing that the security services concealed many facts in that case and in the case of the discovery of new facts on which the reservation is re-investigated after the submission of the communication.

Mujahideen Sinai .. The heroism and sacrifices for the liberation of the land

Mujahideen Sinai .. The heroism and sacrifices for the liberation of the land
The role of the Bedouin and Egyptian fighters in the liberation of Sinai, not least the role of any soldier or officer in order to restore land and dignity, even the land of turquoise has been cleared of the last Israeli soldier on April 25, 1982.
On the occasion of celebrations marking 29 of the liberation of Sinai, we met with a number of Mujahideen of Sinai, and who have received medals and certificates of excellence award, in recognition of their efforts to protect the homeland.
Shahid Abdel Moneim Riad consolation
Says Mujahid, "Ismail my address" - winning the Order of Distinction from the first layer - that has accompanied the death of the team first, "Abdel-Moneim Riad," during the war of attrition and death, "Levy Eshkol," the Prime Minister of Israel, had wanted the occupation to force the people of Sinai to go to Tel Aviv to provide consolation, but they refused and set up the funeral of great martyr "Abdel-Moneim Riad," arrived in prayers for the souls of the martyrs of Egypt, which led to the anger of the Israeli occupation forces and carried out the attack on the city of El Arish, a result that was organized a general strike in all aspects of life in the city; where she was a group of young people to persuade shopkeepers to close their shops, as well as call for steadfastness in the face of occupation and resistance in all forms and at all levels.
Resistance in the streets of El Arish
The "Pilgrims Detector" - a Mujahideen Sinai - was formed resistance groups in the streets and fields of El-Arish, and attacked Israeli forces in their headquarters with grenades and explosives, as he is struggling, "Muhammad Muslim," hit the el-Arish airport and the camp of Bir al-Abed, and carried out the transfer of members of the Organization Sinai Arabic Bseartehma own occupation to hit the camps along the coastal road of Al-Arish to the Bar Lev Line.
Out of the Sinai
And confirms the Mujahid Shaykh, "Moussa Abu Rashid," that what he had done he and his colleagues had been to Egypt and Sinai, that precious part of the land of Egypt, and that he was at that time in thirty years of age in almost any prime of youth, and every single one of the Mujahideen undertake both charge or on its own, and they were helping some people out of the Sinai desert and across the sea, and most of them have been arrested have been released until after the Great October victory in the process of exchange of prisoners.
Internationalization of the Sinai
And speaks Sheikh, "Salem Mubarak Salman" for his late father, Sheikh Mubarak Al-Salman Issa - A Mujahideen - and winning the Order of Distinction, First Class, who died in 2001 and says that his father was among individuals who have the Israeli occupation of Sinai, has been arrested and imprisoned for 18 months in Israel's prisons.
He added that Israel's goal was the occupation of Sinai only, but it was aimed at the internationalization of the Sinai and separated from the mother country of Egypt; where Israel has established the good of the internationalization of the Sinai, and brought together all the elders in order to speak in front of international news agencies for their approval of the internationalization of the Sinai, and requested the establishment of an independent state for Egypt .. What was the elders only attend the conference and deceive Israel to meet the request, and was a surprise to the leadership of Israel, where stop-Sheikh, "Salem scratching" speaks on behalf of the elders of Sinai and says to the world news agencies: "We are Egyptians and we are confident in our leadership Egyptian," and thus the failure of the good strong chieftains Sinai and love for their country and their confidence in the leadership of Egypt, came up the great October victory and shattered the myth of Israel, and destroy the dream of isolation from her mother Sinai Egypt.
Gathering news and images
He says, "Salim Nassar, Moses": "obligatory Sinai east and west of the whole news and pictures of the occupation forces, and I and some comrades planted mines at the crossroads of periodicals of various Bbalozp, which led to an explosion pealed and the number of cars destroyed, death and killing all its members."
Or Mujahideen
And clarify or mujahideen "Fahima Nasar Solomon" wife struggling "Khalif future," Mayor of the Sinai during the occupation and Walt got a Medal of Courage from the first layer - and add as the wife of the Mayor of the Sinai, Israeli forces were entering her home every day to search for resistance fighters, and it was you meet with courage and denies the existence of a home, and after a period of her husband was arrested and enter the Israeli prisons and has been serving the Sinai and care for her children until the October War, with the release of her husband.
Wife of martyr
And says "Marzukp" - the wife of the martyr Suleiman Nasser - that her husband was martyred while doing a heroic job to deliver military figure to Port Said through the salt pans and on the shore pomegranate raided an Israeli patrol and his companion, insist the return of victory, and personal, which was Travgahma, and is considered the first martyr of the Sinai Arabic and was that in 1967, has received the name of the martyr of the Order of the Star of Sinai and a commemorative medal from President Anwar Sadat.

الخميس، 7 أبريل 2011

The fall of the Rafah missile during shelling between Israel and the Palestinians

The fall of the Rafah missile during shelling between Israel and the Palestinians
Security source confirmed the high-level Egyptian Rafah, on Thursday evening, a rocket landed inside the Egyptian territory during the shelling of the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli army.
The source said, in a statement to TOM, "The rocket landed in error, and later a huge explosion, in the area some 700 meters south of the Rafah land port, land in the Egyptian port at Kerem Shalom, Israel.
The security source - who preferred not to be identified - that the explosion was the latest state of panic and panic among the people of Rafah, the Egyptian, who had fled their homes after the blast, which caused a large hole is deep.
The source pointed out that after the explosion, I went directly to a security force dedicated to the location of the rocket to a questionnaire who fired them.
On the other hand, the higher the number of victims of aerial bombardment and artillery fire continued since the afternoon of the Gaza Strip into three witnesses including an elderly man and injured more than 28 others.
The injured farmer was seriously injured and amputation of the limbs by the bombing was carried out by reconnaissance aircraft targeted the Atatra area in the town of Beit Lahiya, north-west of the Gaza Strip and another was wounded in the shelling new eastern district of eastern Gaza City.
It is worth mentioning that there are 15 Israeli missile landed by mistake on the land of Egypt, during the war Alasirailip the recent Gaza, known as the''process''Alrsasalmsberb, but the missiles did not explode and there was no loss, because the Israeli side in control of missiles from a distance.
The fall of the Rafah missile during shelling between Israel and the Palestinians
Security source confirmed the high-level Egyptian Rafah, on Thursday evening, a rocket landed inside the Egyptian territory during the shelling of the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli army.
The source said, in a statement to TOM, "The rocket landed in error, and later a huge explosion, in the area some 700 meters south of the Rafah land port, land in the Egyptian port at Kerem Shalom, Israel.
The security source - who preferred not to be identified - that the explosion was the latest state of panic and panic among the people of Rafah, the Egyptian, who had fled their homes after the blast, which caused a large hole is deep.
The source pointed out that after the explosion, I went directly to a security force dedicated to the location of the rocket to a questionnaire who fired them.
On the other hand, the higher the number of victims of aerial bombardment and artillery fire continued since the afternoon of the Gaza Strip into three witnesses including an elderly man and injured more than 28 others.
The injured farmer was seriously injured and amputation of the limbs by the bombing was carried out by reconnaissance aircraft targeted the Atatra area in the town of Beit Lahiya, north-west of the Gaza Strip and another was wounded in the shelling new eastern district of eastern Gaza City.
It is worth mentioning that there are 15 Israeli missile landed by mistake on the land of Egypt, during the war Alasirailip the recent Gaza, known as the''process''Alrsasalmsberb, but the missiles did not explode and there was no loss, because the Israeli side in control of missiles from a distance.

Fighting erupts in Gaza and the killing of five Palestinians in Israeli shelling

 Fighting erupts in Gaza and the killing of five Palestinians in Israeli shelling
- Fighting erupted in the Gaza Strip on Thursday after a shell hit a Palestinian anti-tank Israeli school bus, injuring two people and Israeli troops responded with artillery and air strike killed five Palestinians.
Palestinian medics said that at least 30 people were wounded in the attack by Israeli forces over the next three hours. The bombardment eased after the entry of the night.
The Palestinian was killed in the fifty years of age in the east of Gaza because of the shelling in the afternoon and four others were killed in air strikes in the south near the border with Egypt.
And wounded an Israeli boy from the bus passengers were seriously injured as the bus driver were injured. The Palestinian girl in the age of four among the injured in the Gaza Strip.
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which runs the Palestinian sector responsibility for the attack on the bus and said it was a response to Israel's killing of three Palestinian militants in an air strike on Saturday.
The aircraft bombed an Israeli F-16s, a large security compound of Hamas, an explosion rocked Gaza City, wounding one person and injured at least one.
He said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a news conference during a visit to Prague, "We hope to accommodate this situation but we will not hesitate to take all necessary measures, whether offensive or defensive to protect our country and protecting our citizens."
The Israeli army said that 45 rockets and mortar bombs were fired from Gaza at Israel during the three hours in the heaviest shelling in weeks. There were no reports of casualties, another Israeli as a result.
The Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas urged Western powers to intervene to stop "this aggression."
He also urged Palestinian militants not to give Israel a pretext to attack Gaza.
In the first known use to shield Israel's Iron Dome missile destroyed two rockets fired by Israel Aaatarazian two rockets fired from Gaza towards Israeli city of Ashkelon just north of Gaza.
Netanyahu said "our Iron Dome interceptor missile successfully intercepted Mqdhuvin."
And an Israeli helicopter fired a machine-gun fire at a target in Gaza for the first time since war broke out late December December 2008 and lasted three weeks. The plane fired a missile at a target in the central Gaza Strip.
Medics said the helicopter fire killed one person 17 years old, he was collecting scrap in Gaza's disused international airport. Three others were killed in the vicinity.
Palestinian sources said that militants in the Gaza Strip fired at the plane of the heavy machine gun.
A spokesman for the Israeli police said the bus was transporting students to their homes while her anti-tank missile fired from long range. He added that 40 students had left the bus just stopped in the last time before her.
The United States condemned the rocket attacks and expressed concern about the weapon that was used in injuring the bus.
The spokesman said Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Toner "We are concerned in particular about reports that show use of a weapon advanced anti-tank missile in an attack on civilians."
He noted that all states are obliged under the UN Security Council resolutions preventing the smuggling of weapons and ammunition.
And Defence Minister Ehud Barak issued a statement which he said he ordered the army "to take the necessary steps quickly and to respond to the attack," and that Israel holds Hamas responsible for all the events that are happening in the Gaza Strip.
The attacks came on Thursday after a relative lull in attacks across the border between Gaza and Israel after a sudden escalation in violence last month, killing 16 Palestinians, at least.
The Israel and Hamas to their readiness to return to the cease-fire that has kept the border relatively secure since the war launched by Israel on Gaza in late December in December 2008 and spread to mid-January, January 2009.
A spokesman for Hamas on Thursday, want to return once again calm in tense confrontation.

Assad is trying to satisfy the Kurds after unrest

Assad is trying to satisfy the Kurds after unrest
- Granting of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday to sexual Kurds in eastern Syria in an effort to calm the discontent of the Ba'athist regime of strict stretching for nearly five decades and to address the pro-democracy protests.
Faced Assad's rule extended for 11 years, the most serious challenges when mass protests erupted in parts of Syria, which is mainly Sunni population to demand an end a state of emergency imposed since decades and one-party rule.
More than 70 people in protests that inspired popular uprisings across the Arab world.
Ten people were killed last Friday at least always in a suburb of Damascus. This is the suburb next point of the protests after protesters staged a sit outside a mosque.
Did not bear the ruling elite in Syria, mostly from Alawite any opposition and used emergency laws to justify arbitrary arrests, including arrests of other minorities such as Kurds, who say they face discrimination.
Assad came gesture towards the Kurds, who represent ten percent of the population of Syria's 20 million people, after reports that the authorities freed 48 prisoners and a Kurdish president met with leaders in the region of Hasakah East, where many of the Kurds in earlier this week.
It was not immediately the number of Kurds who will benefit from the decision to grant citizenship, but about 150 thousand Kurds are registered as foreigners at least as a result of a census in 1962 in Hasaka.
But the Syrian Kurdish leader Ibrahim Habib said that Syria's Kurds will continue peaceful struggle for civil rights and democracy.
Said Ibrahim, who heads the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party told Reuters, "our cause is democracy for all Syria. Citizenship is the right of every Syrian and not a favor."
Assad launched a crackdown on the Kurds when they have organized violent protests against the state in 2004. The Kurds are not allowed to teach Kurdish in schools and can not establish a Kurdish radio stations.
Syria has increased the number of arrests of Kurdish activists since the uprisings toppled two Presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, after decades spent in each power.
And human rights activists said on Thursday that the Syrian authorities on Wednesday arrested Sheikh Imad Rasheed, a senior cleric who supported the protests.
State television said Assad also said the Governor of Homs isolate one of the areas that witnessed clashes during protests. And officials have blamed on armed groups to open fire on citizens in Homs on Friday.
It is unlikely that the gesture will satisfy some of the protesters, who they blame for the killing of demonstrators on the security forces and expressed their dissatisfaction with the limited steps taken by Assad to address their complaints, especially ending the state of emergency.
And cost-Assad to the Commission to enact anti-terrorism law to replace the emergency law, but critics say the change would give the State the same powers to a large extent.
And isolate Assad also governor of Dara, which broke the first of the protests three weeks ago.
Dismissed Assad said last week his government was appointed at a later time, Agriculture Minister Adel Safar to form a new government. The SANA news agency reported on Thursday that the expected announcement of a new government next week.
But Abdul-Halim Khaddam, a former deputy to the Syrian president resigned and defected to the Baath party in 2005, he said that the steps taken by Assad regarding the reform does not deal with the crux of the problem.
He called for Khaddam, who criticized by the opposition because of the many years he spent in the service of the Baath Party to adopt a new constitution of parliamentary democracy.
He told reporters in Brussels that the system has become obsolete and can not continue to work in his condition.
In an attempt to appease conservative Islamists rose Syria on Wednesday a ban on teachers wearing the veil and ordered the closure of the only casino in the country.
And narrowing of many Sunni tribes, the accumulation of wealth and power to the Alevis are a branch of the Shiites.
And urged the Western powers and Turkey's northern neighbor al-Assad to hold the concrete reforms and criticized the violence against the protesters.
The Baath Party said in a statement that "the Syrian Arab people under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad will address attempts to destabilize the security and incitement of national unity and promote cohesion between the leader and the people .. and not to be drawn behind the shady schemes." Gave Assad blamed the unrest on foreign conspiracy against Syria.

الأربعاء، 6 أبريل 2011

Chairman of the Commission denies nuclear Manscher contract with the consultant on the plants

Chairman of the Commission denies nuclear Manscher contract with the consultant on the plants
Denied Dr. Yassin Mohamed Ibrahim, Chairman of the nuclear plants to generate electricity, health published by some newspapers about the contract with the consultant nuclear power plants, pointing out that this information is completed to reality.
Dr. Yassin Mohamed Ibrahim - said in a statement on Wednesday - that the value of the contract amounted to 900 million pounds spread over two phases of duration of total 9 years, where the contract has been signed on the first phase and include the modernization of studies Dabaa site in accordance with the codes and standards current and to prepare a report of security that will provide security for the device to obtain a license to the site, as well as to study and evaluate new sites and preparation of the strategies needed to assess the available technologies and ways to secure long-term supply of nuclear fuel and raise the proportion of local participation in the various stages of the establishment of the station and the means of financing.
The first phase also includes the preparation of quality programs and standards and procedures for subtraction, as well as technical and financial evaluation, negotiation and preparation of the contract, as well as implementing training programs and rehabilitation of human resources, where the end of such contract for the construction phase of the signing of the first nuclear station.
He added that when the contract to establish a nuclear plant will be contracted on the second phase, which includes the provision of services in the construction phase of the station, and project management, and contribute to the supervision and monitoring of implementation, and preparation of project team, together with an assessment and review of designs submitted by the contractor implementation and testing associated with, as well as the associated tests, and tests of startup, and linking the national grid.
He noted that Dr. Hassan Younis, Minister of Electricity and Energy request to refer this matter to the Attorney General's order to evacuate him to the truth and maintain the reputation of the workers in this great project.

Sudan accuses Israel of launching an attack near Port Sudan

Sudan accuses Israel of launching an attack near Port Sudan
Sudan accused Israel of launching a rocket attack killed two people near the port of Port Sudan in the attack raised concerns about the capacity of Khartoum to stop the smuggling of arms across the east of the country.
Analysts said the weapons were being smuggled into the Gaza Strip under Hamas control over the mountain passes in eastern Sudan, and reports said that Israel was behind the airstrike on a convoy of suspected weapons smugglers in the region in 2009. Israel did not acknowledge it or deny.
He said Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti, told reporters that an Israeli attack is certainly referring to the attack that destroyed a car and killed its passengers near Port Sudan on Tuesday.
"The Sudanese government reserves the right to reply.
He declined spokesman Yigal Palmor Israeli Foreign Ministry to comment on the indictment.
The incident comes at a difficult moment for Khartoum, which hopes to raise its name from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism to attract investment and to contain the feelings of discontent due to high prices and the separation of oil-rich south.
Karti, accused Khartoum of Israel, which considers the implementation of a hostile attack to spoil the chances of lifting the name of Sudan from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism in Sudan and show a negative image.
He added that one of the dead a Sudanese citizen has nothing to do Islamists or the government does not know why his car was targeted. Karti did not provide details about the second victim.
Said Osman Mirghani, editor of independent power in Khartoum, said the airstrike targeted a likely arms smugglers for Hamas through eastern Sudan.
Mirghani added that this is very dangerous for the government because the Sudan is now entering the scope of terrorism in the region, referring to neighboring countries.
There were conflicting accounts of Sudanese officials on how to attack and the Sudanese police said a missile struck a car near the city yesterday, but a government official said that the attack was carried out by a foreign aircraft arriving from the Red Sea.
This is the second time in two years cast the blame on Israel as a state that carried out the attack probably in the region.
Sudanese officials said in 2009 that killed dozens of unidentified aircraft in a raid on a convoy of suspected weapons smugglers on the road to a remote in the East and Some reports have suggested the possibility that Israel is carried out to stop the flow of weapons into the Gaza Strip.
Hamas receives arms from the Sinai Peninsula where it is transported through tunnels. Sudan denies permit the transfer of illegal arms shipments across its territory.
The United States began steps this year to raise the Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism after the peaceful referendum in January chose the people of southern secession. But Washington has stressed the need to Khartoum to meet all of the criteria under U.S. law before taking this step.
Karti's comments came minutes after the raid of his meeting with the new U.S. envoy to Sudan, Princeton Lyman, who said that Washington was working to normalize relations between the two countries.

الجمعة، 1 أبريل 2011

U.S. condemns Syria's repression and put pressure on Assad to reform

U.S. condemns Syria's repression and put pressure on Assad to reform

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House condemned on Friday the violent actions taken by Syria against anti-government protesters and urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to take immediate concrete steps toward reform.

Said Jim Carney, spokesman for U.S. President Barack Obama in a statement: "The Syrian government has an important opportunity to respond to the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people."

He added: "Violence is not to respond to complaints of the Syrian people."

Benghazi (Libya) (AFP) - Libyan rebels signed an agreement with Qatar for the marketing of crude oil from areas they control in return for shipments of food and medicine and fuel, said an official of the Libyan opposition in Benghazi, a stronghold of the rebels east of the country, Friday.

Benghazi (Libya) (AFP) - Libyan rebels signed an agreement with Qatar for the marketing of crude oil from areas they control in return for shipments of food and medicine and fuel, said an official of the Libyan opposition in Benghazi, a stronghold of the rebels east of the country, Friday.
Ali Altarhuni in charge of oil and finance in the Transitional National Assembly, the executive body of the Libyan Opposition, "The government of Qatar has given its approval and signed it would sell crude oil to our agenda."
In the framework of the "exchange" aimed to circumvent the international sanctions against Libya, Qatar will sell the oil and will supply the rebels against the proceeds of humanitarian assistance, he said.
He announced that the rebels also hope to be able to buy weapons by oil revenues, "all kinds of weapons that can be found."
He added: "We have a list of weapons we need and trying to get different sources of supply", refusing to name the countries that could sell weapons of the rebels.
And this oil will not come from major oil estuaries in the east such as Ras noses and Brega, and that the rebels did not succeed in continuing their control for long before the attacks by al-Gaddafi, but the gnashing of the remote site to the south-east, which is controlled by the rebels steadily, he said.
The rebels say they can export one million barrels in the week, but they need to ship to move it.
Altarhuni said that "the only delay is in finding ships to transfer ... it's the only obstacle."
He did not want a company spokesman Qatar National Petroleum confirm this agreement.
And the rich Gulf state of Qatar, is the first Arab country to recognize the Transitional National Assembly and participated in international military operation which was launched under a UN mandate on 19 March.
The system was Colonel Muammar Gaddafi warned that he will pursue every company concluded oil agreements with rebels.