الأربعاء، 6 أبريل 2011

Sudan accuses Israel of launching an attack near Port Sudan

Sudan accuses Israel of launching an attack near Port Sudan
Sudan accused Israel of launching a rocket attack killed two people near the port of Port Sudan in the attack raised concerns about the capacity of Khartoum to stop the smuggling of arms across the east of the country.
Analysts said the weapons were being smuggled into the Gaza Strip under Hamas control over the mountain passes in eastern Sudan, and reports said that Israel was behind the airstrike on a convoy of suspected weapons smugglers in the region in 2009. Israel did not acknowledge it or deny.
He said Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti, told reporters that an Israeli attack is certainly referring to the attack that destroyed a car and killed its passengers near Port Sudan on Tuesday.
"The Sudanese government reserves the right to reply.
He declined spokesman Yigal Palmor Israeli Foreign Ministry to comment on the indictment.
The incident comes at a difficult moment for Khartoum, which hopes to raise its name from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism to attract investment and to contain the feelings of discontent due to high prices and the separation of oil-rich south.
Karti, accused Khartoum of Israel, which considers the implementation of a hostile attack to spoil the chances of lifting the name of Sudan from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism in Sudan and show a negative image.
He added that one of the dead a Sudanese citizen has nothing to do Islamists or the government does not know why his car was targeted. Karti did not provide details about the second victim.
Said Osman Mirghani, editor of independent power in Khartoum, said the airstrike targeted a likely arms smugglers for Hamas through eastern Sudan.
Mirghani added that this is very dangerous for the government because the Sudan is now entering the scope of terrorism in the region, referring to neighboring countries.
There were conflicting accounts of Sudanese officials on how to attack and the Sudanese police said a missile struck a car near the city yesterday, but a government official said that the attack was carried out by a foreign aircraft arriving from the Red Sea.
This is the second time in two years cast the blame on Israel as a state that carried out the attack probably in the region.
Sudanese officials said in 2009 that killed dozens of unidentified aircraft in a raid on a convoy of suspected weapons smugglers on the road to a remote in the East and Some reports have suggested the possibility that Israel is carried out to stop the flow of weapons into the Gaza Strip.
Hamas receives arms from the Sinai Peninsula where it is transported through tunnels. Sudan denies permit the transfer of illegal arms shipments across its territory.
The United States began steps this year to raise the Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism after the peaceful referendum in January chose the people of southern secession. But Washington has stressed the need to Khartoum to meet all of the criteria under U.S. law before taking this step.
Karti's comments came minutes after the raid of his meeting with the new U.S. envoy to Sudan, Princeton Lyman, who said that Washington was working to normalize relations between the two countries.

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