الخميس، 7 أبريل 2011

Assad is trying to satisfy the Kurds after unrest

Assad is trying to satisfy the Kurds after unrest
- Granting of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday to sexual Kurds in eastern Syria in an effort to calm the discontent of the Ba'athist regime of strict stretching for nearly five decades and to address the pro-democracy protests.
Faced Assad's rule extended for 11 years, the most serious challenges when mass protests erupted in parts of Syria, which is mainly Sunni population to demand an end a state of emergency imposed since decades and one-party rule.
More than 70 people in protests that inspired popular uprisings across the Arab world.
Ten people were killed last Friday at least always in a suburb of Damascus. This is the suburb next point of the protests after protesters staged a sit outside a mosque.
Did not bear the ruling elite in Syria, mostly from Alawite any opposition and used emergency laws to justify arbitrary arrests, including arrests of other minorities such as Kurds, who say they face discrimination.
Assad came gesture towards the Kurds, who represent ten percent of the population of Syria's 20 million people, after reports that the authorities freed 48 prisoners and a Kurdish president met with leaders in the region of Hasakah East, where many of the Kurds in earlier this week.
It was not immediately the number of Kurds who will benefit from the decision to grant citizenship, but about 150 thousand Kurds are registered as foreigners at least as a result of a census in 1962 in Hasaka.
But the Syrian Kurdish leader Ibrahim Habib said that Syria's Kurds will continue peaceful struggle for civil rights and democracy.
Said Ibrahim, who heads the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party told Reuters, "our cause is democracy for all Syria. Citizenship is the right of every Syrian and not a favor."
Assad launched a crackdown on the Kurds when they have organized violent protests against the state in 2004. The Kurds are not allowed to teach Kurdish in schools and can not establish a Kurdish radio stations.
Syria has increased the number of arrests of Kurdish activists since the uprisings toppled two Presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, after decades spent in each power.
And human rights activists said on Thursday that the Syrian authorities on Wednesday arrested Sheikh Imad Rasheed, a senior cleric who supported the protests.
State television said Assad also said the Governor of Homs isolate one of the areas that witnessed clashes during protests. And officials have blamed on armed groups to open fire on citizens in Homs on Friday.
It is unlikely that the gesture will satisfy some of the protesters, who they blame for the killing of demonstrators on the security forces and expressed their dissatisfaction with the limited steps taken by Assad to address their complaints, especially ending the state of emergency.
And cost-Assad to the Commission to enact anti-terrorism law to replace the emergency law, but critics say the change would give the State the same powers to a large extent.
And isolate Assad also governor of Dara, which broke the first of the protests three weeks ago.
Dismissed Assad said last week his government was appointed at a later time, Agriculture Minister Adel Safar to form a new government. The SANA news agency reported on Thursday that the expected announcement of a new government next week.
But Abdul-Halim Khaddam, a former deputy to the Syrian president resigned and defected to the Baath party in 2005, he said that the steps taken by Assad regarding the reform does not deal with the crux of the problem.
He called for Khaddam, who criticized by the opposition because of the many years he spent in the service of the Baath Party to adopt a new constitution of parliamentary democracy.
He told reporters in Brussels that the system has become obsolete and can not continue to work in his condition.
In an attempt to appease conservative Islamists rose Syria on Wednesday a ban on teachers wearing the veil and ordered the closure of the only casino in the country.
And narrowing of many Sunni tribes, the accumulation of wealth and power to the Alevis are a branch of the Shiites.
And urged the Western powers and Turkey's northern neighbor al-Assad to hold the concrete reforms and criticized the violence against the protesters.
The Baath Party said in a statement that "the Syrian Arab people under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad will address attempts to destabilize the security and incitement of national unity and promote cohesion between the leader and the people .. and not to be drawn behind the shady schemes." Gave Assad blamed the unrest on foreign conspiracy against Syria.

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