الثلاثاء، 22 مارس 2011

The results of the Battle of Hattin

The results of the Battle of Hattin
The defeat of the Crusaders in the battle of Hittin disastrous defeat, having lost the flower Frsanhm, which killed large numbers of soldiers and families with large numbers also. And became the house of the sacred within the reach of Salah al-Din, was among the prisoners King of Jerusalem and with him a hundred and fifty horsemen, and with them came when the fortress of Karak and other senior leaders of the Crusaders, at the best Salahuddin receive them, and ordered them with iced water, and did not give the time came, and when he drank the king of Jerusalem gave the rest to ud, then became angry Salah al-Din said: "This cursed did not drink water with my own ears Finale aspirations", then a speech and said his crimes and pumpkins with a burden, and then has to smite his neck, and said: "I vowed twice to kill him that conquered tags: one for wanted to walk to Mecca and Medina, and the other to the looting of the convoy and seized treacherously. "was that the righteousness of Salah al-Din with his right hand and hit the neck of the ud.
After the battle, it quickly forces occupied the Salah al-Din and his brother King just coastal cities, almost all the south of Tripoli: Acre, Beirut, Sidon, Jaffa, Caesarea, Ashkelon. And cut contacts with the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Oorurba, also seized on the most important castles of the Crusaders, south of Tiberias, except al-Karak, crack de Montreal. In the second half of September 1187 forces besieged Jerusalem, Salah al-Din, was not able to small garrison to protect them from the pressure of 60 thousand men. Surrendered after six days, and in the October 2, 1187 opened the door and whisk the banner of Sultan Salahuddin yellow over Jerusalem. In November 1188 surrendered garrison Karak, and in April-May 1189 surrendered garrison crack de Montreal, and Fort Balfour last stronghold falls, and since then became what was known as the Kingdom of Jerusalem Latin mostly in the hands of Salah al-Din, was left to the Crusaders only Tyre, Tripoli, and a few fortifications and Fort Crack de Chevalier Fort (fort) in the east of Tartus. Kdody and fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem to the call of the Pope of Rome to start the processing of the third crusade, which began in 1189.
Agent Saladin Jerusalem and its inhabitants treatment thinner and lighter than treat them invading Crusaders, before that one hundred year ago, killing Crusaders Andak all the people of Jerusalem, men and elderly, women and children and 70 000 were killed in the Al-Aqsa mosque, did not fall out of the Salah al-Din cruelty does not make sense nor destruction, but allowed to leave Jerusalem within 40 days after the payment of a ransom of 10 dinars a gold for every man, JD 5 gold for every woman, and one dinar for each child, and showed Salahuddin tolerant significantly with poor crusaders who were unable to pay tribute.

Events of the Battle of Hattin

Events of the Battle of Hattin
Burned Muslims herbs and shrubs on the battlefield, and took on the eyes water, pursuant to Tattiyc Crusaders and forcing them to come down to a clash with them and the Crusaders arrived to the plain, located between the lobby and Hittin launched Salahuddin attack fled to the hills of Hattin, trapping the Muslim forces hills, and I accept the night and the fighting stopped, the next day, July 4, 1187 In a severe heat and lack of drinking water, the battle of Hattin, Wolf Knights Crusaders, who have grouped themselves on the high Hittin clouds of smoke rising to the top, Valthm armies at a distance of two miles of Hattin, Vtdedat the ranks of the crusaders and decimated the arrows of the Muslim armies of the Crusaders, and then launched attack with swords and spears, killing and wounding and families a lot and gives thousands of them, and the Crusaders maneuver, providing the commander of cavalry Raymond III Prince of Tripoli ordered by Guy de Lusignan King of Jerusalem, and shifts his attack this force led by Taqi al-Din Omar, a surface on the Crusaders that they opened a gap in the ranks of Salah al-Din So they went where, and besieged the army of Saladin part of the Crusader army Vctrh into two halves. The battle lasted about 7 hours, respectively. Which killed thousands of wounded and dead, and signed by King Guy de Lusignan King of Jerusalem at the time in the families of Salah al-Din, in addition to the many leaders and barons, were the only survivors fled to a few hundred pictures and took refuge behind the walls.

الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2011

Campaign Serbia

Campaign Serbia
Serbia is the campaign a military campaign launched by the Imperial Austria - Hungary against the Kingdom of Serbia in August 1914 about a month after the assassination of Crown Prince of Austria, Archduke Franz Faridinand 1914 in Sarajevo, which caused the outbreak of the First World War.
Involved in the campaign by the Kingdom of Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, next to the side of the Austrian Empire and Kingdom of Serbia was able to mobilize a total of 420,000 troops to face the invasion of Austria but that the entry of Bulgaria and the war made its army from the south towards Serbia has compounded difficulties in the Serbian army.
Campaign ended the occupation of Bulgaria and the Austrian Empire, the territory of Serbia and Montenegro in November 1915 and the withdrawal of Serbian army and Tmrkzh on the island of Corfu, the Greek army, the Serbian army during the campaign losses amounted to 265 000 soldiers were killed and 450,000 civilian deaths, while lost kingdom Montigeru 3000 people from its army, only the wounded and prisoners.

War in 1914 German declaration of war on Russia

War in 1914 German declaration of war on Russia
Sarajevo after the accident that killed the heir to the throne of Austria, "Franz Ferdinand" the Austrian government sent a message with 10 points for the Serbian government as a threat by the Serbs and the conditions with the exception of one condition.
After a month of crisis, Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914, and this Declaration and the European alliances began mechanism at work and when Russia began to mobilize against Austria-Hungary, Germany declared war against Russia on 1 August. However, they also declared war on France on August 3 and began its invasion of the territory of the French penetration across Belgium, which prompted Britain to declare war on Germany on August 4 because of violations of the neutrality of Belgium in the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Russia.
And remained Italy for a period of on the fence, in the desire to not be drawn to stand with one of the parties before it became obvious reality of the situation, as was the United States in isolation and overseas, and the Ottoman state anti historically Russia, which has grown its ties to Germany, did not enter the war until 29 October when the fleet bombarded Russian ports on the Black Sea.

Colonial rivalry

Colonial rivalry
Has resulted in progress of the industrial revolution to the evolution of imperialism advanced sharply to make the discharge of goods and access to raw materials and capital investment of the cases the European pressing but failed to find politicians to be solved only through the possession of colonies was to be a confrontation and conflict between the colonial powers themselves.
Also emerged as the dispute over control of the seas, especially among Britain, which sees itself as Lady of the Sea, Germany Almouhdpalte developed a fleet of high speed, also intensified the differences between Germany and France over the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine Teen annexing Germany to Italy after the war of 1870 was agreed by the States is also about the primacy of each of them in Morocco's occupation maximum.
Conflict between them has been known about this country (Morocco), the first two crises occurred in 1905 and 1906 and crossed through Germany for its adherence to its commercial interests in this country. The second crisis was signed in 1911, following the entry of German troops to Agadir and the threat of France to resort to the use of force, which also forced France to cede part of the colony of the Congo to Germany for a free hand in Morocco.

First World War

First World War
World War I, also called the Great War is the war in Europe and then spread to the rest of the world during the years between 1914 and 1918. The war began when the Empire of Austria-Hungary's invasion of the Kingdom of Serbia following the assassination of Crown Prince of Austria and his wife by a Serbian student during their visit to Sarajevo.
Russia has mobilized its troops one day after the declaration of war on Serbia Austria Germany Fbit troops on July 30 and August 1, mobilized its forces France. Germany declared war on Russia on the same day after being found not to respond to the Russians about Germany's abolition of the general mobilization of the army then declared war on France and invaded Belgium, prompting Britain to enter the war because of breach of German neutrality of Belgium, was the European countries before the war, the problem of two camps: The first Accord triple between Russia and France and the United Kingdom, while a triple alliance of the Empire and Austria-Hungary and Germany and Italy, although Italy entered the war on the side of the Allies.
Used for the first time chemical weapons in World War I as the bombing of civilians from the sky for the first time in history.
War saw the victims of human history, not seen before and fell dynasties and dominant on Europe and the origin of which date back to the Crusades, was changed the political map of Europe.
First World War is the seed of the movements and ideology Kalchioaip future conflicts as World War II, and even the Cold War.
War marked the beginning of the new world and the end of the European monarchies and aristocracies, and the Almwjaj of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, which in turn brought about a change in Chinese policy and Cuban also paved the way for the Cold War between the two giants, the Soviet Union and the United States. Brightness and luster due to Nazi Germany's defeat in the war and left a lot of things on hold until after the war. The war took a new form of technology in methods of intervention greatly in matters of war and the entry of the parties can not afford to war or carrying a segment of civilians. After having fought wars Ptkabl competing armies on the battlefield away from the civilian, it was inhabited spaces of the battle which resulted in the fall of the millions of victims.
Russia has pledged to defend the sovereignty of Serbia, Russia moved troops arose as a result of pressure from Russian generals to defend the Serbs. Germany has demanded from Russia not to move troops and retreat of Russian troops on the state of readiness, and what did not comply with the demands of Russia, German, Germany declared war on Russia August 1, 1914 and the announcement last walkover against France on 3 August.

الاثنين، 7 مارس 2011

Winter of Constantinople

Winter of Constantinople
The Mcadd spend six months on the entry of Leo of Constantinople (March 25, 717), in September the same year, even the movement of Muslims from Bergamos towards the north, tell Lapidus located on the strait Dardanelles, and when he crossed the beach EU, and found themselves in front of the walls of Constantinople, while himself was a Navy pass the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara Sea on the besieged city. Astmat and Ilion (Leo III) to defend the city, blocked the entrances to the Bosphorus as a series of large iron and shipping soldiers on the walls to prevent Muslims from entering [5]. The work of the Muslim houses of wood he spent the winter, but the cold of winter was so harsh and severe Maany by Muslims many from hunger and disease, so they took the camels, horses and mules. Ilion, and also try to negotiate with the Bulgarians, who attacked the Muslims besieged the city from the EU side, and hearing the about, what caused the fire losses of the Greek fleet. And make matters worse, the complicity of Christian sailors who work with the Islamic Byzantine fleet, most of them have fled. The supplies arrived from Egypt about 400 vessels and 360 African ship during the spring of 718 / 99 e, but that did not alter the course of the war, and the city walls remained intractable on the Muslims [3]. Ftertpt these factors on the decline of the Islamic Fleet to the south, and during the decline encountered severe storms, many ships crashed and implemented the livelihoods of the soldiers, which led to the Muslims forced to lift the siege and return to Syria in August 718.

Help Bulgarians of Constantinople

Help Bulgarians of Constantinople
The narrow Muslim Ibn Abd al-Malik Bmhasrth on the people of Constantinople, and track routes and accounted for about kingdoms, wrote Alioune king of the Romans to the king of towers Istnzareth a Muslim woman, and says to him: do not have the mettle, but in the invitation to their religion, the closest of them next closest, and they When you poured me to conclude, no matter you are an architect then Vsnah now, when it proceeded to God in his cunning and deception, he wrote to a Muslim says to him: Alioune Istnsrni wrote to you, and I'm with you bid me what you want. Muslim wrote to him: I do not want you men not a number, but send us Balmirp Say it for our Alazoad. wrote to him: I have sent you a great market place to such and such, he sent and received from buying them. so angry Muslim who wills the military to go there and he bought him what he needs, he went the creation of many found there is an enormous market, the types of goods luggage and food, piled buy, and were preoccupied with this, and do not feel as'd have the bad from the ambushes between those mountains there, they went out to them suddenly one killing created a lot of Muslims and captured others, and returned to a Muslim, but few of them, says Greek references that killed Muslims of that process between 12.000 to 15.000 men, he wrote a Muslim so to his brother Solomon tells him what happened, it sent an army heavy company Shuraaheel Ben Obeida this, and ordered them to cross the Gulf of Constantinople first Viqatloa king of towers, and then return to a Muslim, went to the land of towers and cut them those bays, Vaguettheloa them a tough fight, Vhzmanm Muslims, God willing, and were killed, including his death a great and taking prisoners and captured created a lot, and concluded that prisoners Muslims, and Muslim Thizoa They were to have even brought everyone Omar bin Abdul Aziz, for fear of the scourge of the Roman them and their country, and tight live, and they have before it for a long time [2].


After a failed first attempt to open the e Constantinople in 54-60 (674-679 AD), try Caliph Sulayman bin Abdul Malik Asaker be sent to Constantinople, so the Musa Bin Naseer that it opens without cities and Alrsatiq and forts, until they reach the city not only intercourse have been demolished fortifications and Ohunt strength, If you do not left you, including mind, Viattoa their hands and surrender to you the country, and then consulted his brother Muslim, the official pointed him to let the lesser ones of the country and open them by force, when it opened, the rest of the lesser ones of the country, and forts hand, Solomon said : This opinion is then taken in the processing of the armies of Syria and the island of Syria and Mosul, the order of one hundred and twenty thousand fighters, and sent from the people of Egypt and Africa A boat in the sea they Omar bin Hubaira, and all the people his brother Muslim, and his son Daud bin Sulaiman bin Abdullah King in a group of people of his home, all for the advice of Musa ibn Nusair.
Then walked Solomon even took Mercidabık near Aleppo, gathered to him people also volunteer, gathered his Jund al-great never seen, and then ordered a Muslim woman to leave the armies, and took him Alioune Rumi Al Marashi, and then walked until they stopped at Constantinople, and laid siege to that has been with them and display tribute to her family only a Muslim but he refused to open them by force, they said: Ilion Nchaorh Fabos us, he sent him to them, they said to him: the response of these Asaker us and we give you Nmlkk and we went back to a Muslim, he said: I have responded to open them but they do not open them up to step down for them, said a Muslim: I am afraid Gdrick, swore to him that pays him the keys and, when he stepped down as they took them in the restoration of the destroyed walls, and prepared for the siege.

The siege of Constantinople II

The siege of Constantinople II
The siege of Muslims the second of Constantinople was between 98-100 AH / 717-718 AD in an attempt to conquer Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire Army ground and naval fleet by the Umayyads the time of Caliph Suleiman ibn Abd al-Malik and the leadership of Muslim bin Abdul Malik, has long siege of 12 months and was unable to enter [4], because of the immunity walls, and attack the Bulgarians and the intensity of fire, the Greek and pouring down from the city, because of the betrayal of Ilion, who asked Muslims burning the food, and effort Muslims a great effort until the death of Caliph Suleiman and took after him, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, the Caliphate and the request of a Muslim return with his army [2]. May be seen as similar to that battle, the Battle of Tours which stopped the progress of Muslims to the east of Europe for 700 years until the time of the Ottomans.

Arab Wars Byzantine

Arab Wars Byzantine
Arab Byzantine wars are a series of wars between empires Arabic (Al Rashidiya and the Umayyad and Abbasid) against the Byzantine Empire during the seventh century and the twelfth century AD, began the wars during the reign of Caliphs and continued in this form until the Crusades. As a result, the Byzantines, the Romans called in order to mitigate their losses by continuing from the Arabs.
Continued conflict of 634 to 717, and ended the second Umayyad conquest campaign that has widened the conquests of the Arabs and the influence of the Umayyad dynasty to the continent of Asia, the conflict continued after that between 800 to 1169



* In the period of the modern state was the commanders of the Egyptian army is to take the enemy by surprise. And were setting the date and place of battle. If not, the enemy were ready Iwgelunha for another appointment. In the late stage was the Egyptian army of mercenaries mostly from the Greeks.

* The vehicle has become a frightening weapon of the Egyptian in the Egyptian army at the time, where drivers were skilled and they were quickly broke the enemy lines.

* While the throwers throw from near the arches. The drivers were fighting shields to protect them and throwing arcs of fire from behind them. The vehicles with the ability to penetrate and disperse crowds to disperse them and the enemy can archers bows and spears to stab them.

* The Egyptians continued to follow this tactic for 1500 years before becoming foreign mercenaries fighting for Egypt. Even the Greeks conquered Egypt in 332 BC and continued to control Egypt's foreign rule until the Battle of Actium in 30 BC and after Rome conquered Egypt, the Pharaonic era ended forever.

Methods of recruitment

Methods of recruitment

* Alrmamsp era and the days of the Empire territories Almsalrip divided among the members of the Pharaonic court who were lorded own small kingdoms. It was the kingdoms is obliged to provide a share of the Alonfarlkl garrison in Egypt.

* The recruiting men roam the cities and villages to gather recruits and registration of young powerful beings have never role after injury. They were united by the mayor or the city the headquarters of the Governor of the Territory given them the option to choose from. And the rest were responding to their villages. In this way, Egypt was the army of infantry.

* Enter the Hyksos and the cart and the horse of war to Egypt during their occupation in 1900 BC. And the children of the elite in the New Kingdom accustomed to riding in chariots amended and became the Egyptian army and then campaign arrows, pedestrians and riders in chariots.

* In 1275 BC Ramses II, his army Section 20-A in his campaign against Nubia in the south and the Hittites Baham, the four sections and each section is named after one of the major gods Amun and Ptah, West Devon.

* Each section is divided by 20 companies and all confidential and all 250 soldiers divided the secret to becoming a 5 factions, each platoon 50 soldiers.

* And the days of the New Kingdom the earth was divided between the king and the priests and soldiers equally. The soldiers were exempt from taxes and they were from all regions of Egypt. The soldiers were professional mercenaries from the Greeks, Libyans, Nubians and the people of the sea are treated better than the Egyptians and were Bakdon salaries of the gold coin minted in Greece or Persia days of Ramses III and Mneptah. They Bishoun Delta.

* Egypt began coin to pay for the mercenaries, the Greeks since 360 BC and since the days of Amenhotep III in the Kingdom of modern army was composed of Pimp Egyptians and recruits compulsory and prisoners of war and the Egyptians who Ahtervoa military and mercenaries from the Libyans and the Nubians, especially in the late outdated where he became a mercenary make up most of the units of the Egyptian army. especially of the Libyans who ruled Egypt.

New Kingdom

New Kingdom

* Changed the combat doctrine of the Egyptian defense to attack and invasion, and that after it became clear to them that their neighbors of other people want to occupy their land and therefore must be defended Egypt to create a strategic dimension in the territory of the other, making the New Kingdom founded by Camus's brother Ahmose established a regular army professional and coach for the first time in Egypt was an event of its weapons.

* Making them expanding the borders of Egypt, and establish the largest empire in the world at the time of the north Anatolian Vahtml the Horn of Africa in the south and west of the Libyan desert to the Euphrates in the east, and this new army was supported by the Combined Arms and naval fleet.

* Because the Egyptian army during the rule of the Hyksos Pharaohs, and even the infantry because of the equestrian horse and cart.

* Extended the borders of Egypt in Asia for the first time days as a war of foreign conquest and Qaibp Euphrates in Iraq even against the days of King Thutmose I,.

* This is the height of glory Msrccant capital good.

* The days of Hatshepsut in the Kingdom of modern merchant ships headed for trade with the country girl. The crew of slaves for the rowing and the ships were going in the sea, white and red made in the Phoenician port of Byblos in Lebanon

* And the days of the modern state was a regular professional army. The ships of trade and war. But battles are not relevant. The building of ships in AirAsia (Cyprus).

* And the first naval battle won by Ramesses III to the peoples of the Sea. But the days of Thutmose III was carrying troops and equipment to the Asian coast to fight on land. This period saw the crisis with the Hittites and the peoples of the people of the sea and the battle of Kadesh Ramses II days.
And settled the Libyans in the Delta and ruled from Tanis, the capital.

* In the south, the rule of Nubians from the south and took to the Mediterranean and ruled Egypt since 750 BC. M

* The Assyrians were prevented from occupying the Delta even captured 673 years BC.

* Bander Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar in 605 BC, the Persians led by King Cambyses in 525 BC and Alexander the Great in 332 BC. Then the Ptolemaic Greeks until the year 30 BC and the Romans since the year 30 BC and the rule of the Islamic year 639 AD.

The era of the Hyksos

The era of the Hyksos

* The invasion of the Hyksos in 1789 BC. M. For a century the rule of the Hyksos kings, shepherds who came from the Semitic tribes of the Levant, and remained until the expulsion of Ahmose, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia.

* During their occupation of Egypt, the Egyptians developed their military technology to match their army army Kings sponsors.
* To enter the compound bow, which was beyond the range of normal arc-Masri, who was Bstaml by
* And brought the horse and cart of war
* And during the occupation Egyptians developed the vehicle and made the rear open for easy exit quickly when needed. And Zhzhawwa parking area driver it to be close to the axis of the calf or the wheel to reduce weight, and this has eased the burden on the horse, which was drawn, making it speeds by car
* Enter the Hyksos and armor that you do not know from before the Pharaohs to protect the body and head above the hood So enter the skull and metal helmets over the head.

The old state and the unification of the two countries, King Narmer

The old state and the unification of the two countries, King Narmer

* Egypt has become after the unification of the two countries in MENA 3200 BC and the elimination of the state and separatist strife deposit peaceful nature of the geographical closed by itself. The Egyptian army in all the dynasties of the strongest army, particularly in the modern state where he defeated the Hittites and the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks in a series of wars under the Egyptian king Ramses II

* One of the reasons the power of the Egyptian army that did not depend on foreign mercenaries, but it depends on the summons and of compulsory service during the war was the Egyptian army as a whole Egyptians does not contain any other foreign elements.

* Starting from the era of the Egyptians were building pyramids recruits mandatory in building and construction of buildings, seasonal days of flooding, the rich were paying for the cross-exempted.

* The arming soldiers in the Old Kingdom is a primitive and batons and sticks, which is installed at the top of room, daggers and spears of copper.

* Egypt was insulated from foreign wars in this ancient period of natural immunity.
Because the nature of Egyptian society, not of aggression against others. And military service was compulsory during the tribulation and internal wars. The soldiers were transported across the Nile in boats to areas of conflict and crisis days of the old local

Open Alkstuntunaip and Rome:

Open Alkstuntunaip and Rome:
For my father as he said we were when Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Aas and asked which of the two cities opened first, Constantinople or Rome called Abdullah Fund for him to shave said, which he pulled out a book he said: he said a slave to God while we are on the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him write it asked the Messenger of Allah Allah be upon him any two cities opened first, Constantinople Aborigine "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him the city of Hercules opens the first means of Constantinople) Q. r No. 4," said Sheikh Albanian (Romans is Rome, as in the Dictionary of countries, the capital of Italy today has been opening the first at the hands of Mohammed Fatih Ottoman as Houmarov, after more than eight hundred years to tell the Prophet peace be upon him conquest will be achieved by opening the second, God willing, and must and you shall surely know after a while ... There is no doubt that the achievement of opening the second to return the Islamic caliphate adult to the Islamic nation and this Mapherna by the Messenger of Allah be upon him, he said in a talk) uh I said for this conversation has said the Sheikh Hamoud Tuwaijri God bless his soul in his book Ithaf Community in the turmoils and the epics and the Signs of the clock in the conquest of Constantinople that it was not conquest Ottoman, but open another will be soon at the hands of a good man and will open the Zoom In and cheer will be in the army of the sons of Isaac Sponp alpha.

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (for Fhn Constantinople Ayyoobi Prince and yes, the military emir of the army) (Roh Imam Ahmad in his Musnad). Fatih Sultan Mehmet Sultan Mehmed II is 431 births - in 1481, the Ottoman sultan, the seventh in a series of conquerors nicknamed Al-Othman and Abu good things. The rule of nearly thirty years has been good and dignity of Muslims [1]. Took over the rule of the Ottoman Empire after the death of his father on 16 Muharram 855 AH February 18, 1451 at the age of 22 years and has excelled Fatih Sultan Mehmet the character brilliantly brought together the power and justice as he surpassed his peers since his youth in many of the science that was received at the School of princes and private knowledge of many of the languages of his time and inclination to study the deep history books, which helped him later to highlight the character in the administration and the battlefield until it finally became famous in the history of the title of Mohammed the Conqueror, to open Constantinople. Has adopted the approach which was followed by his father and grandparents in the conquests The conquest of Constantinople Is the Constantinople of the most important cities of the world, was founded in 330 AD by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I [3], and has had a site a unique global even told her: "if the minimum one kingdom of Constantinople was the fittest city to be its capital" [4], Since its inception, has taken the Byzantines as their capital, one of the largest cities in the world, the most important [5] When the Muslims entered in the Jihad with the Byzantine Empire was the city its own from that conflict, and therefore has preached the Prophet peace be upon him companions opened in several positions, so : What happened during the battle of the trench [6], but this was competing successors to the Muslims and their leaders to open across the different ages hope that there would be those hadeeth of the Prophet peace be upon him: to Fhn Constantinople at the hands of a man, Ayyoobi Prince prince and yes, the Army Army [7]. The impact of the conquest of Constantinople on the European world and the Islamic Constantinople was before opening a major obstacle to the spread of Islam in Europe, therefore, fall means the Fatah al-Islam to enter Europe's strength and peace to its adherents, more than ever before, is the conquest of Constantinople of the most important events of world history, especially the history of Europe and its relationship to Islam until several historians Europeans and on continued End of Ages Central and the beginning of modern times [118]. Sultan has then to arrange the various things in the city, and re-vaccinated, and as the capital of the Ottoman Empire and called it the title of any city in Islam, Islam, Paul [119]. Have been affected by the West, Christian news of this victory, and felt by the Christians a sense of panic and pain and shame, and the effects of this conquest set in the Orient Islamic - We say that I have with joy and jubilation of Muslims across Asia and Africa, this was the opening dream of ancestors and the hope of the generations, and I've looked a long time and is here check and send Fatih Sultan Mehmet letters to the rulers of Diar's Islamic Egypt and the Hijaz, Persia, India and others; tell them this victory of the Islamic Great - and broadcast news of victory from the pulpit, and held prayers of thanksgiving, and decorated houses and shops and hung on the walls and walls, flags and fabrics, lacy colors different God reached to open Rome .....
Virtual paint to the Sultan / Mehmed
The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II the seventh in a series of Al-Othman, nicknamed Abu conquerors and good works. The rule of nearly thirty years has been good and dignity of Muslims. Born "Mehmed II" in (833/1421), and took in the Sultanate (855/1451 m), was a day old that twenty-two years old, and wanted to complement what was started by his father.

Feudalism - ownership, exploitation, benefit, in the heart of Islam (Historical Study)

Feudalism - ownership, exploitation, benefit, in the heart of Islam (Historical Study)
This research deals with feudalism on the eve of the appearance of Islam until the end of the Umayyad period, where it was located in the old countries, such as Byzantium, Persia, appeared different types of it, such as: feudal exploitation and feudal ownership and feudalism, military, and feudalism is based on the basis provided by the kings of the layer of land in the form of ownership or use or gift at no cost, and knew the Arabs before Islam feudalism in the region of Yemen was the kings give land to their followers and layer them.
When Islam came to the inheritance passed to the feudal to the Muslim community, the March of the Prophet (r) of feudalism, and was part of his policy in bringing the class for like kings and tribal elders in anticipation of entering Islam, and at the same time support the Prophet (PBUH) own class of his companions and relatives so that they become of large landowners in the region of the Arabian Peninsula, has a variety of feudal fiefs Prophet familiar territory, specific and fallow land, agricultural land, minerals and materials in kind, water wells, houses housing, which helped the formation of private equity significantly in the special class. Caliphs and walked on the political guidance of the Prophet, the Apostle had just cut off the top companions a lot of waste lands, and cultivated land.
And expansion of feudalism in the Umayyad to form part of the political state, with more Umayyads of feudalism supporters, and the withdrawal of property opposed to their policy, control, focus of the Umayyads to support their party and the sons of their family, so are those from large landowners and Alaqtaat in the Islamic state.
Has layers cut in the Prophet and the Righteous Caliphs, Umayyads themselves like kings and tribal elders, and senior traders and owners of capital and the rich, and in return I Alaqtaat provided to the two-tier public middle and has played the Islamic faith primary role in stabilizing properties, has announced the Prophet that it entered into Islam he What to greet him, and remained outside does not recognize the ownership of the land, the sons of illiteracy has been applied this principle in the context of the opposition to stop by the State got fiefs, and large out of state confiscated land and property.
Has left the feudal political implications, economic and social communities, the ancient Byzantium, Persia, the Islamic State in Early Islam, was to create a new layer has enjoyed considerable political clout in the state, which impact on the powers of the king, or a successor at a later time, we note that the owners of large estates who You will be of feudalism took control of affairs of State in Byzantium and Persia and reduced powers of the king, and we find that the layer formed by the Prophet (r) of the large landowners, that took over the reins of power or intervened in the appointment of the Caliph in one form or another, as well as in Umayyad Those who led the party Umayyad took control of the state and were large landowners and feudal lords of the caliphs, princes and military commanders. On the economic front and Social has played feudalism primary role in the composition of the class for kings and princes, caliphs, and the rich, merchants and tribal elders, where have developed large tracts of land, estates, orchards, and water wells, and cultivated land, and homes and the possibilities of material is too large, acquired these millions of dirhams a result they obtained from this Alaqtaat.
In return, you do not get working class these privileges and suffered from poor economic conditions, in addition to the taxes imposed on it, so we find that feudalism has directly contributed to the creation of class in society which create internal conflicts in the past and in the heart of Islam as a result of the tensions that between rich and poor.

Median war

Median war
The name of the battle (war): Median War (492-449 BC).. . The causes of the battle: a long war fought to repel the campaigns of ancient Greece by the Persians. Warring armies and their leaders: 1 - The first campaign was led by Darius in 490 BC Marathon. M. Against the Persians. 2 - the second campaign led Ohchuirc Persian (1) 481 BC. M Minda Greece Alisprtion great army tried in vain to stop him in the corridor of Thermopylae, led by Leonidas and his companions Althelaosmaip. Proceedings of the battle: 1 - Battle took place between the Greeks, led by Darius (2) between the Persians and ended in victory for the Greeks. 2 - battle was fought between the Persian fleet, led by Ahchuirc and Alisprtion led me Nidas Althelaosmaip and his companions. 3 - between the Persian fleet, led by Ahchuirc and Alisprtion led Tmistockls (3). Results of the war: 1 - resulted in the first campaign for the defeat of the armies of Persia, despite the huge numerical superiority. 2 - Athens crashed and burned, though, so Tmistockls enables the elimination of the Persian fleet in 480 BC Slamina. M Vtgahqr Mendharin Persians and Greeks on continued to the shores of Asia, guardians and achieved double victory over the Persians on land and at sea, 468 BC. M. 3 - followed by periods of truce that ended the war to hold the peace in the fog between the Greek and Kallias Artaxerxes 449 BC. M has spent the agreement prevent the entry of the Persian fleet into the Sea of Iiha, and respect for freedom of Greek cities. (1) Ahchuirc I: King of Persian Okhmoni 486-465 BC. M Darius I'm the first. (2) Darius: the second king of Persia 424-404 assassinations, killed in Babylon. (3) Tmstockls: (about 525-460 BC). Of famous commanders of Greece, defeated the Persian fleet at the Battle of Slamina 480 BC. M, died in exile.