الثلاثاء، 22 مارس 2011

Events of the Battle of Hattin

Events of the Battle of Hattin
Burned Muslims herbs and shrubs on the battlefield, and took on the eyes water, pursuant to Tattiyc Crusaders and forcing them to come down to a clash with them and the Crusaders arrived to the plain, located between the lobby and Hittin launched Salahuddin attack fled to the hills of Hattin, trapping the Muslim forces hills, and I accept the night and the fighting stopped, the next day, July 4, 1187 In a severe heat and lack of drinking water, the battle of Hattin, Wolf Knights Crusaders, who have grouped themselves on the high Hittin clouds of smoke rising to the top, Valthm armies at a distance of two miles of Hattin, Vtdedat the ranks of the crusaders and decimated the arrows of the Muslim armies of the Crusaders, and then launched attack with swords and spears, killing and wounding and families a lot and gives thousands of them, and the Crusaders maneuver, providing the commander of cavalry Raymond III Prince of Tripoli ordered by Guy de Lusignan King of Jerusalem, and shifts his attack this force led by Taqi al-Din Omar, a surface on the Crusaders that they opened a gap in the ranks of Salah al-Din So they went where, and besieged the army of Saladin part of the Crusader army Vctrh into two halves. The battle lasted about 7 hours, respectively. Which killed thousands of wounded and dead, and signed by King Guy de Lusignan King of Jerusalem at the time in the families of Salah al-Din, in addition to the many leaders and barons, were the only survivors fled to a few hundred pictures and took refuge behind the walls.

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