الاثنين، 7 مارس 2011

Help Bulgarians of Constantinople

Help Bulgarians of Constantinople
The narrow Muslim Ibn Abd al-Malik Bmhasrth on the people of Constantinople, and track routes and accounted for about kingdoms, wrote Alioune king of the Romans to the king of towers Istnzareth a Muslim woman, and says to him: do not have the mettle, but in the invitation to their religion, the closest of them next closest, and they When you poured me to conclude, no matter you are an architect then Vsnah now, when it proceeded to God in his cunning and deception, he wrote to a Muslim says to him: Alioune Istnsrni wrote to you, and I'm with you bid me what you want. Muslim wrote to him: I do not want you men not a number, but send us Balmirp Say it for our Alazoad. wrote to him: I have sent you a great market place to such and such, he sent and received from buying them. so angry Muslim who wills the military to go there and he bought him what he needs, he went the creation of many found there is an enormous market, the types of goods luggage and food, piled buy, and were preoccupied with this, and do not feel as'd have the bad from the ambushes between those mountains there, they went out to them suddenly one killing created a lot of Muslims and captured others, and returned to a Muslim, but few of them, says Greek references that killed Muslims of that process between 12.000 to 15.000 men, he wrote a Muslim so to his brother Solomon tells him what happened, it sent an army heavy company Shuraaheel Ben Obeida this, and ordered them to cross the Gulf of Constantinople first Viqatloa king of towers, and then return to a Muslim, went to the land of towers and cut them those bays, Vaguettheloa them a tough fight, Vhzmanm Muslims, God willing, and were killed, including his death a great and taking prisoners and captured created a lot, and concluded that prisoners Muslims, and Muslim Thizoa They were to have even brought everyone Omar bin Abdul Aziz, for fear of the scourge of the Roman them and their country, and tight live, and they have before it for a long time [2].

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