الاثنين، 7 مارس 2011

Median war

Median war
The name of the battle (war): Median War (492-449 BC).. . The causes of the battle: a long war fought to repel the campaigns of ancient Greece by the Persians. Warring armies and their leaders: 1 - The first campaign was led by Darius in 490 BC Marathon. M. Against the Persians. 2 - the second campaign led Ohchuirc Persian (1) 481 BC. M Minda Greece Alisprtion great army tried in vain to stop him in the corridor of Thermopylae, led by Leonidas and his companions Althelaosmaip. Proceedings of the battle: 1 - Battle took place between the Greeks, led by Darius (2) between the Persians and ended in victory for the Greeks. 2 - battle was fought between the Persian fleet, led by Ahchuirc and Alisprtion led me Nidas Althelaosmaip and his companions. 3 - between the Persian fleet, led by Ahchuirc and Alisprtion led Tmistockls (3). Results of the war: 1 - resulted in the first campaign for the defeat of the armies of Persia, despite the huge numerical superiority. 2 - Athens crashed and burned, though, so Tmistockls enables the elimination of the Persian fleet in 480 BC Slamina. M Vtgahqr Mendharin Persians and Greeks on continued to the shores of Asia, guardians and achieved double victory over the Persians on land and at sea, 468 BC. M. 3 - followed by periods of truce that ended the war to hold the peace in the fog between the Greek and Kallias Artaxerxes 449 BC. M has spent the agreement prevent the entry of the Persian fleet into the Sea of Iiha, and respect for freedom of Greek cities. (1) Ahchuirc I: King of Persian Okhmoni 486-465 BC. M Darius I'm the first. (2) Darius: the second king of Persia 424-404 assassinations, killed in Babylon. (3) Tmstockls: (about 525-460 BC). Of famous commanders of Greece, defeated the Persian fleet at the Battle of Slamina 480 BC. M, died in exile.

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