الاثنين، 7 مارس 2011

Feudalism - ownership, exploitation, benefit, in the heart of Islam (Historical Study)

Feudalism - ownership, exploitation, benefit, in the heart of Islam (Historical Study)
This research deals with feudalism on the eve of the appearance of Islam until the end of the Umayyad period, where it was located in the old countries, such as Byzantium, Persia, appeared different types of it, such as: feudal exploitation and feudal ownership and feudalism, military, and feudalism is based on the basis provided by the kings of the layer of land in the form of ownership or use or gift at no cost, and knew the Arabs before Islam feudalism in the region of Yemen was the kings give land to their followers and layer them.
When Islam came to the inheritance passed to the feudal to the Muslim community, the March of the Prophet (r) of feudalism, and was part of his policy in bringing the class for like kings and tribal elders in anticipation of entering Islam, and at the same time support the Prophet (PBUH) own class of his companions and relatives so that they become of large landowners in the region of the Arabian Peninsula, has a variety of feudal fiefs Prophet familiar territory, specific and fallow land, agricultural land, minerals and materials in kind, water wells, houses housing, which helped the formation of private equity significantly in the special class. Caliphs and walked on the political guidance of the Prophet, the Apostle had just cut off the top companions a lot of waste lands, and cultivated land.
And expansion of feudalism in the Umayyad to form part of the political state, with more Umayyads of feudalism supporters, and the withdrawal of property opposed to their policy, control, focus of the Umayyads to support their party and the sons of their family, so are those from large landowners and Alaqtaat in the Islamic state.
Has layers cut in the Prophet and the Righteous Caliphs, Umayyads themselves like kings and tribal elders, and senior traders and owners of capital and the rich, and in return I Alaqtaat provided to the two-tier public middle and has played the Islamic faith primary role in stabilizing properties, has announced the Prophet that it entered into Islam he What to greet him, and remained outside does not recognize the ownership of the land, the sons of illiteracy has been applied this principle in the context of the opposition to stop by the State got fiefs, and large out of state confiscated land and property.
Has left the feudal political implications, economic and social communities, the ancient Byzantium, Persia, the Islamic State in Early Islam, was to create a new layer has enjoyed considerable political clout in the state, which impact on the powers of the king, or a successor at a later time, we note that the owners of large estates who You will be of feudalism took control of affairs of State in Byzantium and Persia and reduced powers of the king, and we find that the layer formed by the Prophet (r) of the large landowners, that took over the reins of power or intervened in the appointment of the Caliph in one form or another, as well as in Umayyad Those who led the party Umayyad took control of the state and were large landowners and feudal lords of the caliphs, princes and military commanders. On the economic front and Social has played feudalism primary role in the composition of the class for kings and princes, caliphs, and the rich, merchants and tribal elders, where have developed large tracts of land, estates, orchards, and water wells, and cultivated land, and homes and the possibilities of material is too large, acquired these millions of dirhams a result they obtained from this Alaqtaat.
In return, you do not get working class these privileges and suffered from poor economic conditions, in addition to the taxes imposed on it, so we find that feudalism has directly contributed to the creation of class in society which create internal conflicts in the past and in the heart of Islam as a result of the tensions that between rich and poor.

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